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Seeking Crystal
Book: Seeking Crystal Read Online Free
Author: Joss Stirling
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    ‘That doesn’t leave us more than a few weeks. I’d better get busy.’
    Diamond cleared her throat, her awkwardness striking as she was rarely lost for words. ‘You don’t need to do anything, Crystal. Mama’s going to sort it all out—she loves a wedding and it will be good for her to focus on something like that. She’s already booked the church and the venue. Topaz is seeing to the catering. Silver and Manatsu are taking charge of the bridesmaids and pageboys, as we all know how good an eye Manatsu has for that kind of thing.’
    ‘Bridesmaids and pageboys?’
    ‘Yes, all twelve of our nieces and nephews: fifteen down to fifteen months. It is going to be a nightmare.’ Diamond hugged herself with delight at the prospect.
    ‘I see.’ I realized then that I had thought that I might be asked to be one of the bridesmaids, or at least be consulted over the dresses considering how Diamond had often said I was good at design. I could see how she might not want me in the line up—the beanstalk among the pretty flowers.
    ‘I hope you don’t mind; it just seemed easier to get the parents to sort it out for the children rather than involve you. There’s hardly any time. And I thought you would be busy with Signora Carriera if that plan works out.’
    ‘Yes, of course.’ I slammed the case shut and zipped it up.
    I’m not good at hiding my feelings and Diamond has a gift for sensing disturbance; I wasn’t going to get away with pretending I was OK with being cut out. She stopped twiddling her bracelet. ‘Oh no, I’ve made a mistake, haven’t I? I projected on to you what I would be thinking, but that’s wrong. You wanted to be asked to do something. I thought you would hate the whole wedding thing and run a mile. I just wished to spare you.’
    Yeah, you go on telling yourself that, Diamond. You might have thought that in the nice part of your brain, but even you have the darker side that wanted to avoid getting the disaster-area sister involved in your big day. You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t. ‘No, no, it’s OK. It’s your wedding—you do what you want.’
    But Diamond was now trying to repair her error. ‘I’ve already asked Manatsu, but I’m sure she’ll appreciate the help. We’re getting the dresses made in London where Topaz’s brood live—that seemed most convenient—but she could send you the designs. I’d love your opinion.’
    Too late for that. ‘Really, stop flapping, Diamond. You’re right; I’m going to be busy if I do get that job. I’ll be lucky if the signora gives me the day off for the wedding, knowing her.’ Right now, I’d prefer not to come.
    ‘I know what! I need someone to organize my hen party. I’ve already asked Karla, Sky; and Phoenix to come out early to enjoy Venice with me. Who better than you to make sure we have a great time?’
    Actually, there were busloads of people better than me. ‘I don’t know, Diamond, I’m not sure. What about one of your Italian friends—wouldn’t they do it?’
    Diamond was not to be deterred. She had decided on this sop for me and now had persuaded herself I was the answer. ‘It would mean a lot to me if you did it.’
    I’m about as resistant as a marshmallow. Emotional blackmail wins every time. ‘Sure. OK. Just don’t blame me if I make a mess of it like I do everything else.’
    Diamond hugged me. ‘You won’t.’
    But I no longer believed her. All that stuff about my talent for fashion had clearly meant nothing when it came to something that was important to her. I now understood why family weddings were such a minefield; I was feeling aggrieved when really it was nothing to do with me. She could and should do what she liked on what was her day. ‘I’ll see you in a month or so then?’
    ‘Yes. You can keep living in the apartment, you know, whatever happens.’
    ‘Thanks. I’d better get going. Didn’t you book the taxi for five minutes ago?’
    ‘Actually, Trace insisted that one

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