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Seven Deadly Samovars
Book: Seven Deadly Samovars Read Online Free
Author: Morgan St James and Phyllice Bradner
Tags: Mystery
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Louis Vuitton traveling cases or Caesar’s leather valise.
    “Don’t worry,” Clara said. “They lose luggage here all the time. One time they lost a whole suitcase full of lutefisk my brother was bringing me from Petersburg. They sent it up to Fairbanks, and from there it went to Memphis. By the time I got it back it smelled pretty bad. But they found it! They’ll find your stuff, too. Hope it doesn’t have any fish in it!” Belle and Clara howled with laughter as Caesar and Godiva exchanged bewildered looks.
    “Sorry to rush,” Belle said as they made for the door, “but we promised to meet the Gastineau Gadabouts for a Mad Hatter’s fashion show. See you back at my house later.” They made their way across the parking lot and climbed into Belle’s pink Cadillac.
    Godiva raised hell with the baggage handlers, the ticketing agents and the Assistant Manager of the airport, but in the end they filed a lost baggage report and left. Godiva took a handkerchief from her purse and wiped the dusty seat of Goldie’s beat-up old Subaru before sliding in.
    “So, did you manage to get us a hotel room?”
    Goldie cleared her throat. “Um, not exactly. Everything in town is still booked solid, but Belle has offered to have you stay with her; unless you would like to grab the one unbooked cabin at the Last Resort B&B.”
    “I knew you’d find us something, Sis. Tell me about the Bed and Breakfast place.”
    Trying to keep a straight face, Goldie answered, “It’s a charming group of cabins on Thunder Mountain Road. You’ll really like my old friends Moonbeam and Stoney who own the place. Of course it is pretty rustic…”
    Godiva didn’t sound as sure as she did a moment before. “And, rustic means…”
    “A private outhouse for every cabin. I’m sure you’d be more comfortable there than in my little ‘closet of a guest room’.”
    Caesar broke in, “Surely you don’t mean one of those little houses with the half moon on the door and a hole in the floor.”
    “Oh no, they’re much more modern than that. Last year they replaced the lanterns with electric lights and put padded toilet seats over the holes in the plank benches.”
    Caesar’s voice sounded strained as he said, “And your mother-in-law’s accommodations?”
    Goldie hopped right on it. “She’s in the heart of downtown so you can walk around on Franklin Street and do some tourist things on your own without having to trudge up and down my hill.”
    Godiva threw up her arms in protest. “Oh, no you don’t. You’re not going to get away with that. I’ll take the closet before I take Belle. That woman is unbearable.”
    Caesar chuckled. “Oh I don’t know, my love. Maybe it’s just because you’re jealous. Look how she welcomed me. Shouldn’t we take a look?”
    Godiva chose to ignore the last suggestion and changed the subject. “What happens if they don’t find our luggage? Maybe we should go shopping for something to wear to the party. After all, Caesar and I have to keep our images. Do you have any decent stores here yet? Nordstrom’s? Saks?”
    “’Fraid not, Sis. Your choice is Fred Meyers, Gottschalk’s, or the Nugget Outfitter. We could try some of the little stores downtown, but by the time we get there, they’ll probably be ready to close for the night.”
    “You could try Mom’s favorite place, the Salvation Army Thrift Shop,” Chili offered. “And I like this really cool shop in the Nugget Mall.” She looked at her aunt and hesitated, then added, “No, forget that, they only go up to size ten.”
    “Those are the choices? Nothing else?” Godiva groaned.
    “Nope. Don’t worry, you can borrow something from me, and Red can lend Caesar some clothes. Might be a little big, but no one will notice.”
    Caesar made no comment. Godiva sighed. “Maybe the luggage will show up in the morning.” Avoiding the subject of Belle, Godiva said, “So, Goldie, Angel said you found the samovars after all. What
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