Destination…” He tightened a fist. “Mexico.”
Of course it was. My fucking wedding. “Well, we know that. What don’t we know?” My tone is harsh, unrelenting.
“The place where he was raised, he still owns the land. According to Google Earth there aren’t any houses on the property, seems abandoned.”
“Where is it?”
“San Diego.”
I turn to Jack, but he’s already in motion. Calmly, I walk over to my coat and throw it on.
“What are you doing?” Thomas asks.
I look at him as if he is ignorant and insignificant. In that moment, I hate myself, but I hold onto that version of myself. The one who doesn’t sob over his abducted fiancée or murdered mother. The man who does whatever it takes to get what he needs and wants.
Jack barks into his cellphone as everyone moves to follow us out of the suite. “Have the jet fueled and file the flight plans for a nonstop route to San Diego International. Have two cars waiting on the tarmac there. We’ll be at the hangar in fifteen minutes.”
“We’re coming with you,” Thomas says, anger making his words sound gritty.
“I expected that.”
“It’s a vacant lot. We might not find anything. We are going to head there first thing in the morning.” I know he wants me to see that he is making every effort, and I do see that. Only now is not the time for pats on the back. It’s crunch time and only the relentless will find what they are looking for in time.
“Gillian may be dead by morning.”
” C hase ! Chase, it’s me!” I scream out. The wind carries my voice to the single man standing on a cliff out over the horizon. He’s in a sharp black tux, his dark hair blowing in the breeze as the waves crash against the cliff. “Chase!” I yell again, but he doesn’t hear me. The sand is thick and muddy as I run barefoot, trudging step by step. My wedding dress catches sand, rocks, and shells, slowing me down. I tug on the dress and pieces fall off the back, strips of satin instantly get swept up into the air and float on a cloud swirling around magically.
I pick up my pace, but he starts to walk away; his head hangs low, shoulders slumping.
“Chase!” I yell at the top of my lungs. My man stops, finally turns around and sees me. He sees me. Even from this distance his smile is splendid. The damn dress pulls at my waist now, the train filled with muck and mud. I rip at the bodice trying to yank it off, pulling at the satin. The sound of fabric shredding, no, being cut, enters my subconscious. The beach shakes, and I grapple to hold my footing. Chase’s arms reach out; I’m closer but still not close enough. The dress yanks me back, and I fall to the sand only it’s not sand, it’s softer, bouncy. With all my might, I press up, only this time, it seems as if I am pressing against the wind and it’s pushing me back down. My hands clutch and push trying to get to my feet. Chase stands still in the distance. He doesn’t come for me. He’s close enough to see me struggling, and yet, he doesn’t come.
I push my arms out, trying once more to pull at the dress. Finally, it breaks free, and I slam into a hard body. My eyes flutter open, and I’m no longer on the beach. The dank smell of must and mold along with sweat and man enter my senses, demolishing the ocean air and beach where Chase was in my dream. The sound of my breath is loud against the slick neck of a man. Not a man. My captor.
“Thank God you’ve come to your senses,” Daniel says into my neck kissing the column.
Nausea stirs in my belly. “What?” I heave against him realizing that the top half of my dress has been alternately cut and ripped open. Danny’s holding up a pair of scissors; they reflect the light of the single bulb above my head. Like a frightened animal, I skitter back, the pulley system above my head shrieking as metal grates across metal. My back hits the cold concrete. Instinctively, I cross my arms over my chest. The chill of the room seeps