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Surprise Mating
Book: Surprise Mating Read Online Free
Author: Jana Leigh
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way!” Kiki yelled.
    “ Oh yeah,” Rissa snickered.  “And she is not a happy camper right now. Kade has demon seed and is the devil incarnate, according to Calli that is.  Then there is Vivi, who is so excited I think she peed herself when Calli was puking.  It has been an eventful day.”
    Ca lli walked toward them and said loudly, “Tonight is about you, not me.  I am pretty sure the whole birthing wonder will wait for another day.  As long as I can hold down a meal, we will be good.”
    Thomas stifled a laugh and turned his head away.  Sydney didn’t know what to do so she said, “Congratulations?”
    “ Oh aren’t you a cute little, uh, woman,” Rissa said and frowned when Calli hit her in the back of the head.  “What?”
    “ You can’t walk around and say ‘little woman’ like that.  She is a Fae, they are freaking short,” Calli barked at Rissa who smiled.
    “ Okay, momma, I promise I will behave,” Rissa pouted and Calli turned and growled at her.
    “ Child, or no child, I will kill you where you stand if you push me,” Calli threatened and pointed a finger at her.  Rissa only giggled and rolled her eyes.
    “ That’s the hormones,” Cherri laughed and joined them.  Sydney was already feeling emotional overload just being around them.
    Kiki made a little clucking noise , stepped up and grabbed Calli in a hug, and said, “Now, now, bestie, we will stock up on pickles and ice cream.”
    Calli rolled her eyes and stood there with her hands at her sides, glaring at the wall as Rissa and Cherri began to hug her and chatter happily .  Thomas sighed loudly and looked past the women to where the women’s mates were standing surrounded by the crazy parents.  This night would never end, and he was going to need therapy, at least Sydney may need it also, so it could be a bonding experience.
    “ Mate!” Kade bellowed.  “You should be sitting down.”
    Calli stiffened at the tone Kade had and Sydney held a breath and waited.  Cherri ’s and Rissa’s eyes narrowed and they had a panicked look on their face.  This could get a little dicey , she thought as Kiki and Thomas both pulled her back so she was out of the line of fire.  What the fuck had she gotten herself into ?
    An older woman , who Sydney would have guessed was Calli’s mother, made a noise that sounded a bit like a cry and the two women next to her put their arms around her.  The Alpha smirked when he heard the noise, apparently knowing that Calli was going to be pissed.
    “ What the fuck did you just say to me?” Calli said quietly, which apparently made everyone really nervous.  The women who were standing in the entrance to the dining room quickly walked in.  Although Sydney could see them poking their heads out to see the show while being out of the line of fire.
    Rissa raised her hand and Cherri pulled it down and shook her head.  What was wrong wit h these people?  The woman was pregnant for goodness sake.
    Kade frowned, crossed his arms over his chest, raised an eyebrow at his mate, and growled, “SIT DOWN!”
    “ Oh no you did not just yell at me!” Calli said and walked forward.  “It is your fault I am pregnant to begin with.  Don’t you start trying to order me around.  I am a vessel for an amazing girl who is going to be the spitting image of me.”
    Vivi gasped and clapped a hand over her mouth.  “ A girl?”
    Calli paused and looked behind her and crossed her eyes and then turned back.  “Of course, mother, my body would not betray me.”
    “ Oh, we get to have tea parties!”  The older woman cried and Kade’s frown deepened. 
    Calli stomped her foot.  “ No, mother, the last tea party you threw, we ended up in the emergency room.”
    “ Please, you had to learn how to detect poison,” the older woman argued and sniffed.
    “ We were only seven!” Cherri yelled.
    “ We didn’t give you enough to kill you, just enough to make you learn a lesson not to eat everything people put in
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