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Swift as Desire
Book: Swift as Desire Read Online Free
Author: Laura Esquivel
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now escaped in waves of ardor, passion, and lust.
    Luz María, affectionately called Lucha, swayed her hips gently, but with Júbilo’s heightened sensibilities, his hand amplified her movement and it washed over him like an effervescent wave, hot, joyful, dissolute, raising his body temperature. Accustomed to transmitting telegraph messages at an extraordinary speed, Júbilo’s fingers appeared to rest innocently on the small of his wife’s back, but they were far from inactive, they were constantlymonitoring the movement, the fever, the desire hidden beneath her skin. Like voracious antennae, his fingertips captured the electric impulses from Lucha’s brain, as if her thought waves were sending the order to follow the rhythm of the music directly to him. Lucha didn’t need words to tell her husband how much she loved and desired him. Words travel as swiftly as desire, so it is possible to send a message of love without them. The only requirement for intercepting them is a sensitive receptor, and Júbilo certainly had that. He had been born with it buried deep within his heart. And with it he could decipher any number of messages originating from any other heart, regardless of whether the other person wanted to make them known or not. Júbilo had the ability to intercept these messages before they were converted into words. On many occasions, this gift had caused him problems, since people aren’t accustomed to expressing their true intentions. People hide their feelings from others, often behind pretty words, or silence them to avoid violating social conventions.
    The discordance between desires and words causes all kinds of communication problems and gives rise to a double standard both in individuals and in nations, who say one thing, yet do another. Ordinary people, who generally guide themselves by words, become totally confused when someone else’s actions conflict with his statements. They feel out of control when they discover this contradiction, but curiously these same people prefer to be seduced rather than to feel deceived. Theywould more readily accept an outright lie than listen to Júbilo’s assertions about someone’s true intentions. It was normal for Júbilo to be called a liar when he spoke the truth.
    Fortunately, at this particular moment, the electrical impulses coursing through his wife’s body required only a simple interpretation, since they were totally congruent with what she was thinking and coincided completely with Júbilo’s own desires. The way their bodies kept rhythm as they danced foretold the pleasure waiting for him later when they got home. The couple had only been married for six months and had done little more than explore, kiss, love one another in each of the small communities where Júbilo, as an itinerant telegraph operator, was sent to cover the vacations of the local operators. He was working in the beautiful city of Veracruz, and the amorous couple was grateful. Júbilo’s new assignment seemed custom-made for them, particularly for Júbilo, who really needed a rest after the exhausting events of the previous months. Swimming in the ocean, walking on the salty sand, breathing in the smell of fish cooking, and lingering at the Café La Parroquia were the ideal revitalizing tonic for him, much more effective than the “Emulsión de Scott” that Lucha regularly dosed him with. And the sound of the seagulls, the handheld fans, and the breaking waves brought him great peace and took him back to the happy days of his childhood. Immersed in these familiar smells and sounds, he felt once again that life was pleasant and that he had nogreater obligation than making love to his wife. Though, to be honest, he had to admit he couldn’t think of anything but sex, whether he was in Veracruz or in Timbuktu. Even at work.
    As he sent telegraph messages, he invariably thought of the way his fingers would caress the intimate recesses of Lucha’s body. The way they would play with
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