Teacup Novellas 01 - Tea With Emma Read Online Free Page A

Teacup Novellas 01 - Tea With Emma
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into bed. With the BBC on mute on the bedroom’s large flat-screen television, he sunk deeper into the embrace of the soft sheets, finally giving in to his fatigue. Falling into a deep sleep in mere moments, he was surprised when none other than Jane Austen herself showed up. She turned out the light on the bedside lamp and clicked off the remote. Wait—how did she know how to do that? She tucked him into bed, much as his mother had done when he was just a lad. And just like Mum, she planted a gentle kiss on his brow. He looked full into her face—a face surrounded by wispy curls of strawberry blonde, adorned with a sprinkling of freckles across a perfect nose, warm green eyes, and smiling lips . . .
    Good night, Jane.
    Good night, Ian.

    Maddie flew across the foyer and into the sitting room where her grandmother sat reading. “Oh Nana, we had the most amazing time! You should have come with us! You would have loved it!” She knelt beside Rachel Cooper, engulfing her grandmother in an enormous bear hug.
    “Oh good heavens, Madeline! You’re about to choke the stuffing out of me, dear.” The slow, careful cadence of her words warmed Maddie’s heart.
    “I don’t care! I’ve missed you so much, and I have so much to tell you, and I don’t even know where to start and—wait—how are you feeling? Are you okay?” Maddie leaned back, taking in the full sight of her sweet Nana. Her eyes raced over the thick white hair, gathered into an elegant chignon. She searched her grandmother’s ever-smiling eyes, always filled with life and love . . . the gentle wrinkles around her mouth, still lopsided from the paralyzing effects of the stroke. She noticed Nana’s favorite summer shawl draped over her shoulders, a perfect match to her lavender blouse and slacks. The hint of lilacs, her grandmother’s familiar scent, reminded Maddie she was home again where she belonged. “Oh, you look perfectly wonderful!”
    “I feel perfectly wonderful, sweetheart. Now, sit. I want to hear everything. But first tell me why you’re so late? I expected you almost three hours ago.”
    Maddie fell onto the sofa beside Nana’s chair, kicking off her shoes and tucking her feet beneath her. “I’m sorry. I should have called. Lanie arrived home to a crisis, and—”
    “Mercy, what now? That poor child lives in eternal calamity.”
    Maddie rubbed her eyes and yawned. “You’re not going to believe this. Alice was supposed to take care of Mr. Darcy. Well, apparently—being the selfish roommate that she is—she neglected to feed the poor cat and he died .”
    “Oh no. Mr. Darcy is dead?”
    “We’re guessing Alice must have spent most of the last fourteen days at her worthless boyfriend’s apartment. Left poor Mr. Darcy all alone without so much as a morsel. And Nana, you know how much Lanie loved that kitten! She couldn’t stop crying, I couldn’t stop crying because she was crying—all the while, Alice acting like it wasn’t her fault that he died. Can you believe the audacity?”
    Tears pooled in Nana’s tired eyes. “Dear Lanie. I can’t even imagine how upset she must have been.”
    “Lanie was devastated. She kicked Alice out, told her to come back tomorrow for her things, then we buried poor Mr. Darcy.”
    “She must be heartbroken.”
    “Beyond heartbroken, but she wanted some time to herself, so she insisted I come on home. I guess she needs to grieve.”
    “Call and check on her first thing in the morning, will you?” Nana unlocked her wheelchair and pressed the lever to drive herself across the room. “Now you stay right there. I’ll go see if Gretchen will make us some tea.”
    Maddie stretched out on the sofa. “So, how did it work out with Gretchen? And please don’t tell me you’re going to hire her permanently and kick me out.” Maddie reached out to grasp her grandmother’s hand as she rolled by.
    “Gretchen is a sweetheart. But you’re my Maddie. Need I say more?”
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