Tags: spy adventure wwii, pilot adventures, asia fiction, humor action adventure, history 20th century, china 1940s, japan occupation, ww2 action adventure, aviation adventures stories battles
cities of Assam. They asked the porter to find a cab or rickshaw. Falstaff reassured Zam that his shopping list was entirely due to their urgent need for decent clothing and some equipment essential to their journey. ccclxvi While Zam went back to the Manor house, Falstaff had the porter call a car and then left immediately to attend to the Caproni. ccclxxi Falstaff was impatient to start the on the Caproni. There was no sign of Gibbs or his mechanics so he stripped the Caproni down, removing the cowlings and covers. ccclxxiii Bushido, the way of the warrior. 559 Moon light on the ruined castle, an old Japanese folk poem; Kojo no Tsuki one of the most famous Japanese songs ever made. Music composed in 1901 by Rentaro Taki. It is very possible Falstaff heard an ‘Enka’, Japanese Jazz version and learned the lyrics. 559 Gaijin, foreigner, or literally any non-Japanese person. 559 Zam had not had a minute’s peace all afternoon. It had taken nearly an hour to get rid of Mrs. Anderson. Whom she found to be a frightful bore intent on getting as much fresh gossip as she could. Having pumped Zam for details about Falstaff and their remarkable journey from China. Mrs. Anderson talked of nothing more than her own puerile activities pursued simply to avoid her own husband, whom she openly detested. ccclxxxiv The pressure on his neck was suddenly was gone. Falstaff opened his eyes and pushed Ono’s apparently unconscious body off his back. ccclxxxvii They watched the police take the Assassin away. He had remained mute, refusing to give his name. He’d said nothing, nor stirred since he’d been woken by a bucket of cold water. ccclxxxix Back at the Manor house, Falstaff found the small dose of morphine Doctor John gave him helped him through the most painful step of his recovery; that of scrubbing the oil and dirt off. The scratches and scuffs were minor, but there were many of them, these stung until the drug started to ease the pain. cccxci
Chapter Eleven – The Gymkhana Burns cccxcviii The tea rooms were already buzzing, many of the guests and long-term residents or visiting tourists were there preparing for the Burns’ Night at the Gymkhana club. cccxcviii The doctor picked them up early, especially employing a local driver for the evening. Doctor John was wearing a hideous orange and green tartan kilt, with a shiny black velvet dinner jacket, with a white silk ruffled shirt. He made a point of showing Zam his handkerchief and shoved it like a dandy in his top pocket. cccxcix The time passed quickly over Gin and Tonic or Whiskey and water. Zam was taught how to play trumps by Doctor John. She smartly beat Falstaff, Gibbons and their new friends at the club twice in a row. cdi It was commonly reported that the Japanese would be unable to fly well, due at an unbalance resulting from being carried on their mother’s backs. 559 Quiff 1920’s Slang A promiscuous woman a prostitute. 559 Thalmann Battalion International Brigade in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the nationalists. Named after the German communist leader Ernst Thalmann, included approximately 1,500 people, mainly working class Germans, Austrians, Swiss & Scandinavians. More than the better known ‘volunteer’ Condor legion of German Luftwaffe pilots fighting for the fascists. 559 The Irrawaddy Flotilla Co. ran a virtual monopoly that put many Burmese out of business. However, the development of waterways and land played a vital role in the development of Burma. The Flotilla was put out of business by the Japanese invasion. The British destroyed all boats and barges to prevent them falling into Japanese hands. Japan is now a major investor in the Burma economy and land development; benefits of are seen as both positive and negative. 560 Deputy Inspector General Wititterly shook his head and shut the door off his office; he hoped for the last time. He blew out his breath, held in exasperation. Having spent most of the day and the previous