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The Clue is in the Pudding
Book: The Clue is in the Pudding Read Online Free
Author: Kate Kingsbury
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performance at the ceremony. As for his personal life, that’s his business and should remain so.”
    “Well, all I can say is that I hope your optimism is justified.” Phoebe wiggled her boots.” I think—”
    Whatever she was going to say was interrupted by an urgent rapping on the door. Before Cecily could summon the visitor, the door flew open and Gertie charged into the suite as if being chased by a herd of angry bulls.
    Cecily took one look at her chief housemaid’s face and rose to her feet. “What has happened?”
    Gertie gulped, glanced at Phoebe, then blurted out, “The gentleman in room three, m’m. He has a bit of a problem.” She signaled with her eyes at the door. “I think you need to see to him, m’m, if you don’t mind me saying.”
    The sinking feeling in Cecily’s stomach was all too familiar. She could tell by Gertie’s face that the problem was serious. She managed to sound reasonably unperturbed when she answered her housemaid. “Thank you, Gertie. I will be along in a minute. Perhaps you’d wait for me at the gentleman’s door?”
    Gertie nodded, dropped a curtsey, and fled.
    Phoebe said something, but Cecily’s mind was racing. The gentleman in room three was Archibald Armitage, the famous actor. She’d encountered him earlier that day when he’d barged through the front door and almost knocked her over in his haste to reach the stairs.
    She’d noticed at the time that his trousers were soaked to his knees and had wondered where he’d been to get into such an awful mess. Most likely he had caught a cold and needed the services of a doctor.
    Phoebe got up from her chair and headed for the door. “Well, I can see you are busy, Cecily. I shall go in search of Freddie. No doubt he is in the bar, as usual. I shall return tomorrow with my entourage. We’re having our dress rehearsal for the Christmas pageant in the ballroom.” She clasped her gloved hands together. “I am so thrilled to be presenting our pageant on Christmas Eve this year. It will give a special meaning to the performance.”
    Remembering some of Phoebe’s past catastrophes, Cecily could only hope that the only thing special was a disaster-free presentation. Accompanying her friend to the door, she enquired, “You will still be coming to the carol-singing ceremony, I trust?”
    Phoebe smiled, her rancor apparently forgotten. “Of course, Cecily, dear. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I suppose Madeline will be there?”
    “I believe she and Kevin will attend, yes.”
    “I was afraid of that.” Phoebe tossed her head, making the feather on her hat waft around in a lazy circle. “Ah well, we can’t have everything, I suppose.”
    Cecily sighed. Phoebe and Madeline had been at war with each other for as long as she’d known them, exchanging barbs and insults with all the gusto of battling warriors. Yet Cecily knew quite well that should anything happen to one of them, the other would be devastated. Though they’d never admit it, of course.
    “We’ll see you tomorrow, then,” she said, holding the door open for her friend to pass through. She was anxious to find out what the problem was with Mr. Armitage and couldn’t wait for Phoebe to start descending the stairs. Once the other woman was out of sight around the curve, Cecily hurried down the hallway to where Gertie lingered outside room three.
    “Now then,” she said when she reached her housemaid, “what is the matter with Mr. Armitage?”
    Gertie’s face looked drawn, and her eyes were wide with shock. “I think he’s dead,” she whispered.
    “I’m sure he’s not,” Cecily assured her, praying she was right. “He’s probably consumed something to help him sleep.” She glanced quickly to her left and right, making sure they were alone in the hallway. “I’ll take a look. Meanwhile, go down to the foyer and quietly ask Philip to ring for Dr. Prestwick.”
    “Yes, m’m.” Gertie picked up her skirts and ran for the stairs.

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