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The District
Book: The District Read Online Free
Author: Carol Ericson
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Romance, Mystery & Detective, ROMANCE - - SUSPENSE
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get ahead.” He leveled a finger at Christina. “Besides, it’s you she idolizes.”
    “I think she just wants to learn. The men in the department probably aren’t very encouraging and maybe she doesn’t have any role models here.”
    “You didn’t need any role models.”
    “I was a special case. Didn’t you always tell me that?”
    Drawing his chair toward the desk, he hunched forward. “What drove you up that tree, Christina?”
    “I told you—a hunch.”
    “One of those hunches? Did you feel anything?”
    She squeezed her eyes closed and massaged her left temple. “Incredible evil.”
    “Did you tell the P.D. here?”
    She gave a short laugh, almost a bark. “Are you kidding? I want to be taken seriously, not written off as a crackpot.”
    “The Bureau has used psychics before.”
    “I’d hardly call myself a psychic, and honestly, the Bureau may use them but most don’t respect them. Greavy sure doesn’t.”
    “Like I told you before, it’s a talent you should try to develop.”
    She hugged herself. “I don’t know if I want to develop it. Besides, in this case, I didn’t get much at all, just a feeling.”
    “Up to you.” Eric checked his watch. “Let’s get started before lunch gets here.”
    “Umm, do you want to wheel around here? I’ll take you through the first San Francisco murder.”
    He walked his chair to her side of the desk and at once her scent overwhelmed him. The familiar musky perfume wrapped its tendrils around him, but the essence of Christina had a stronger impact on him.
    He couldn’t put his finger on it. He never could and it had haunted him ever since the day he cut her loose.
    She dragged a file folder between them on the desk and flipped it open. She spread a stack of photos in front of him, and green, leafy, verdant forest blurred together.
    “Was it another running trail?”
    “Hiking, just across the bay.”
    He thumbed through the photos. “Victim?”
    “Liz Fielding, late forties, single. Some trouble in her past but clean for at least five years.”
    “What kind of trouble?”
    “Some drugs, petty theft, a little hooking.”
    “What about the other two?”
    “Haven’t dug up anything like that yet, but the investigation is still young.”
    He plucked out the pictures of the body. She’d been positioned like his male victim in San Diego—stretched out on her back, hands positioned over her stomach, the tarot slipped between her fingers. He traced a finger over her disheveled clothes.
    “No sexual assault, huh?”
    “Nope, not for any of the victims. Your guy?”
    “No.” He shook out another photo, this one a close-up of the victim’s throat and the ghastly, gaping wound. A necklace clung to the woman’s neck, still intact.
    Eric’s pulse jumped and he held the picture closer to his face.
    “What is it? You see something?”
    He dropped the photo and he jabbed a finger at the victim’s throat. “This necklace...same one my kidnapper wore.”

Chapter Three
    Christina jerked her head to the side, her jaw dropping. Was Eric seeing things? He’d rarely mentioned his kidnapping as an eleven-year-old in San Francisco. It had been a strange one—no ransom note, no demands, and the kidnappers released him on a street corner two days later.
    At the time, the police had connected his kidnapping to the serial killer case Eric’s father had been working—the serial killings Joseph Brody would later be suspected of committing. Right before he jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge.
    What did this murder victim, Liz Fielding, have to do with Eric’s kidnapping?
    She snatched up the photo from the desk where he’d dropped it. “What are you talking about, Eric? Her necklace?”
    “She kept her face hidden, they all did. I guess they figured that was easier than blindfolding me. And the woman, she’s the one who always checked on me. When she leaned over me, her necklace would swing forward. I got a good look at the medallion hanging from the
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