enormous and deafening. The sea heaved and shook, the ships bouncing like toys, and Rykon just managed to keep Agia from falling over the rail into the gyrating waters.
And as he leaned against the rail, he saw the Broken Mountain collapse, saw the hanging towers of Kyrace vanish in the raging flood of molten stone, saw the Imperial fleet disappear into the billowing plume of the ash. Ancient Kyrace, in all its pride and beauty, with all its ziggurats, and temples, and libraries, and scholars and stormsingers and slaves, vanished in the Broken Mountain's inferno, never to be seen again.
Along with the Emperor, the Legions, and the high magi of the Nighmarian Empire.
A colossal wave spread from the island, a towering wall of water, and Rykon feared it would capsize the fleet. But Tyndaros’s warning had proven true. The northern face of the Broken Mountain had buried Kyrace and the Imperial Legions, but the southern side of the island had shielded the fleet from the wave.
“He knew all along,” said Rykon, staring at the burning island. “The great elementals within the mountain had kept it from erupting for all these millennia. He knew Kyrace would fall, so he waited until the Legions had entered the city…”
“And killed them all,” whispered Agia.
Together they watched their home, and their enemies, burn.
A few days later the fleet arrived at New Kyre.
With its leadership dead, the Empire had erupted into civil war, the remaining Kyracian colonies overlooked.
Rykon led Agia into New Kyre with a sense of hope.
Together, they could make their people strong again.
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