description. And the thief must have worn gloves because he left no fingerprints.”
“We got a lead from a cabdriver who saw the couple run out of the store and drive off in a dark sedan,” Peg told the officer. There was a tone of mixed pride and teasing in her remark as she related their conversation with the taxi driver.
“Very good sleuthing,” the chief said. He pushed a buzzer on his desk, and another officer walked in.
“This is Sergeant Walsh, ladies,” Chief McGinnis said. “Mike, meet the Detective Club. They’ve brought some valuable clues about the Wright robbery. Will you see if there’s a record of a tall, thin man with sharp features and slightly pointed ears whose partner is a heavyset woman with red hair?”
Mike left and returned a few minutes later with startling news. “The couple are husband and wife and are wanted in several cities for robberies. Apparently, they are now working the smaller towns.”
“Send out an alarm for them at once,” McGinnis ordered. Then he turned to the girls. “Thanks for your help. And good luck on your next mystery.”
After the group had left, Nancy said, “Let’s do some more inquiring.” She led the club members back to Wright’s, and they searched along the scraped curb for anything that might further identify the suspects or their sedan.
Martie pointed out the marks that indicated a car had scraped roughly along the curbing. They even noticed little pieces of rubber.
“That cabdriver wasn’t exaggerating,” Nancy said. “It’s a slim chance, but let’s hunt for a dark car with scraped tires on the right side.” She hailed a limousine taxi, and all of the girls piled in.
“Where to?” the driver inquired.
For a moment, Nancy was embarrassed. Finally she said, “Just drive around until we spot a dark sedan with bad scrape marks on the right wheels.”
“I know exactly where it is,” the cabbie replied, much to the girls’ surprise. “I passed it at the edge of town, where both tires blew out. I stopped to see if I could help, and the man said, ‘No. I only have one spare. But there’s a garage nearby. Ask them to send a tow truck here!’”
“What did the people in the car look like?” Martie asked.
“The man had a thin face and funny-looking ears. The woman with him had light red hair and was kind of heavy.”
“That’s the couple we’re trying to find!” Martie blurted out. “They’re thieves!”
“Don’t let these people get away! They’re wanted for assault and robbery! ”
“What!” the driver exclaimed.
Nancy urged him to go to the garage as fast as possible. He set off with a roar and soon pulled up in front of the repair shop. The girls jumped out, and Nancy quickly paid their fare.
“Be careful!” the driver warned as the girls hurried toward the building.
A car was just being lowered from the right lift. The two suspected thieves were standing alongside it.
The instant Nancy saw them, she dashed into the office and said to the owner, “Don’t let these people get away! They’re wanted for assault and robbery at Wright’s Jewelry Store. May I use your phone?”
“Go ahead,” the man replied. “I’ll keep the couple here.”
Nancy dialed police headquarters and spoke to Chief McGinnis. When he heard her amazing report, he said, “We’ll be there at once.”
Within five minutes, three officers arrived, and the suspects were held while their car was searched. The jewelry found in it was identified by Mr. Wright, who had been hastily summoned. He also identified the mask worn by his attacker.
Martie took the telltale light red hairs from her purse. They matched the woman’s hair perfectly. The couple was arrested and taken away in the police car.
Nancy suggests that readers write down descriptions of people they pass in the street or in a car.
Look for traits according to the following list. Your observation skills will improve with