bounce signals but relays them with a boost of its own. The bad news for Penzias and Wilson was that their dish was now useless for NASA.
The good news was that, now free of anyone else’s priorities, Penzias and Wilson were able to turn the dish to their real goal—observing theradio waves that hit Earth from space. But their wonderful contraption was not up to the new job. The sensitivity, so essential for their gig with NASA, made the dish a nightmare to work with. It picked up all kinds of faint signals and noise, almost like persistent static on a TV.
Their efforts to remove the noise read today like an attempt to find and remove a fine needle from a shag rug. First they tried to filter out the signals produced by radios. No luck; interference remained. Then they cooled the detector to -270 degrees centigrade, a temperature at whichmolecules come close to stopping their movement. Still interference. They climbed inside the detector and found that birds had sullied the interior via their digestive processes. Wiping away the evidence of those encounters helped a bit, but the interference remained. Thisbackground noise was constant through day and night and was about one hundred times more than they would have expected.
Unknown to Penzias and Wilson, a set ofPrinceton scientists used computer models to make a conjecture. If there was a big bang, some of the energy should be remaining in the heavens, drifting like smoke from an explosion. With 13.7 billion years ofcooling and expansion since the event, this radiation should be found everywhere and be of a particular wavelength. This was quite a specific quantitative prediction, and it offered no room for waffling. A friend showed Penzias and Wilson these papers, andimmediately they saw the real meaning of their static interference. The background interference was not noise; it was a signal. And it was of the exact type predicted by theory. Penzias and Wilson had discovered the remnants of the big bang, a discovery that won them theNobel Prize in 1978.
Being a fossil hunter, I dig in the ground to uncover relics. But every astronomer is a paleontologist of sorts. AsCarl Sagan famously said, the light of the stars we see was formed in chemical reactions from a long time ago. The vastness of space means that starlight hitting our eyes is no artifact; it is the real deal—a visitor from a time before the birth of ourspecies, even in some cases ourplanet itself. With such time travelers coming down to us each night, the trick to reconstructing our past comes from learning to see the light and radiation of stars in newways.
For thousands of years, mankind considered itself the pinnacle oflife’s creation on a planet sitting in the center of the universe. Science changed that perception.Leavitt,Hubble, and others helped us see that we live near the margin of a vast galaxy, in a universe ofgalaxies, with our planet one of many worlds.Darwin and the biologists had their say too. Our entire species is but one little twig on an enormous tree of life filled with all life on Earth. But each discovery that moves us from the center of creation to some obscure corner brings an entirely new relation between us, other species, and the entire universe.All the galaxies in the cosmos, like every creature on the planet, and every atom, molecule, and body on Earth are deeply connected. That connection begins at a single point 13.7 billion years ago.
As a species whose history has been in oceans, streams, and savanna plains, we humans have had our senses tuned to the chemical and physical world of land and water—to predators, prey, and mates we can see or hear. Nowhere in our history has there been a premium on the ability to perceive extra dimensions, times on the order of billions of years, ordistances in a virtual infinity of light-years. To achieve these insights, we repurpose tools that served us so well in our terrestrial existence to new ends. Logic, creativity,