It was a graceful skill that came only with practice and lots of it. Briefly, Jude wondered what would happen when Jemima finished draining her. Would she bury her, or simply leave her out for the animals to munch on? Being drained of blood would certainly make her kosher, not that she knew of any Jewish animals living in Holden, but one could never be too careful.
That train of thought was quickly replaced by a sharp pain as Jemima’s mouth was ripped away from Jude’s neck. She vaguely thought she saw the blonde go flying through the air, but couldn’t be certain as a pair of familiar brown eyes filled her vision. They were a nice change from the black eyes Jemima had sported while chewing on Jude, and the girl sighed in relief as Daniel stared down at her. She grimaced, though, when something sticky was pressed to her lips and could barely hear Daniel telling her to drink as the black spots clouding her vision began to swirl together.
Something warm filled her mouth and trickled down her throat and she realized whatever Daniel was telling her to drink, she was swallowing it by the mouthful, only faintly aware the coppery taste seemed oddly familiar.
Blood , her addled brain supplied, followed by , Daniel is a vampire too.
But a nice one , she argued with herself, basing this claim on the fact Daniel was giving her blood while Jemima had taken it. Which, of course, only lead to the horrific realization that Daniel could be giving her his blood with every intention of turning her into a vampire.
Just as Jude was about to attempt struggling, Daniel was replaced by the kindest blue eyes Jude had ever seen, set into a honey colored face framed by a halo of black hair. She was dimly aware of the fact she was looking at an angel, or at least the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen. Said woman spoke, voice muffled as though Jude were underwater. Arms slipped under her and as Jude was lifted from the cold, snow covered ground, the world tilted. Just before everything went black, she had a thought that made her smile.
I’m Jude Carstairs and I was just drained by a vampire. Suddenly, Hell seems the least of my worries.
Monday Morning
Dead Before Breakfast
Jude woke with her head in a fog. Or feeling like she’d been hit by a truck. Or, possibly, both. Staggering out of bed as her alarm clock yelled for her to get up, she looked out her window to see her car, perfectly unmarred, parked neatly in the driveway.
Yep , she thought , just a dream.
When she’d called Jemima a soul sucking harpy, she hadn’t thought her subconscious would run with that image and produce nightmares of the horrific variety. Black, bulbous eyes, a blood smeared mouth, and dark veins grotesquely protruding from milky white skin. Really, it was not the most attractive visual Jude had ever dreamt up, and the horror of it had bled over to Daniel with his fanged smile dripping blood as his glassy eyes stared down at her. The only part of her dream that felt real was the woman with the blue eyes, but Jude chalked up the whole incident to accidentally inhaling some sort of drug at the party last night.
Across the room, her cellphone started to ring and she quickly picked it up, answering cheerily before her parents wished her a happy birthday.
“Remember honey,” her mother said, “you can skip school if you want to today. Feel free to have Lux over. Your father is going to call Simon later and tell him to behave. I’m so sorry we’re not there to celebrate with you.”
“That’s fine, mom,” Jude said, “really. You guys will be home next week