fast. So he simply said, “I’ll send Lynne over to give you a lesson on how to work the shower. And on that note Mae, I will leave you to your pot roast.” Seth walked to the living room door, before he could close it on his side Mae said “Thank you again Seth for everything and please thank the boys, Megan and Lynne for making me feel welcome. Goodnight Seth.” Without saying a word Seth closed the door.
The next morning Mae awoke feeling refreshed and rested. She honestly couldn’t remember sleeping as well as she did last night. The bed was so comfortable and the sheets were so soft. With the windows open, she was lulled to sleep by the lapping of the water against the shore.
Mae decided she would take a soak in the tub that had been calling her name since last night. She filled the tub with hot water and added her favorite bath oil. She thought she would enjoy her soak, get up wash the bowl from Lynne and return it, then check out the surrounding area. She didn’t need to be at the hospital until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, plenty of time to get a lay of the land.
She finished in the bath and went to the walk in closet, and as she opened the door she smiled thinking of her meeting with Megan Finn. She could begin to understand why both Robyn and Lynne called her a spitfire. Mae dressed quickly in her favorite jeans and a soft t shirt the color of raspberries. She went downstairs and quickly washed the bowl, dried it and put her flip flops on. She walked through the screened porch to the connecting deck and knocked on the sliding door.
Aidan, wearing Angry Bird pajamas, came and answered the door. She liked how his blonde hair stood up on one side. “Hey Mae, come on in.” Mae followed him in and was in awe once again at Seth Finn’s home. She felt like she walked into a magazine layout of the rich and famous. To her left was a gourmet kitchen that would make Gordon Ramsey jealous. There were more solid cherry cabinets and drawers than she thought were possible to fill, but they were there nevertheless. There was an industrial size stainless steel side by side refrigerator and freezer that she was sure could hide a whole cow. The counters were black granite and had such a shine she immediately thought of her Camaro. About 20 feet in front of her there was a huge fieldstone fireplace that was open on all four sides. No matter which room you were in you had a perfect view of the gas fireplace. Above the fireplace on the side facing her was a TV, well she would call it a small movie theater screen. It had to be at least six feet wide. Aidan had gone back and plopped on a black leather sectional sofa that dominated most of the room. Next to Aidan on the floor was a tuff of red hair which she assumed to be Megan. Before she could look around anymore, Lynne came in from the right. “Good Morning Mae, how was your first night in the apartment?” Mae never thought she would get tired of Lynne’s Irish accent.
“It was lovely and restful Lynne, thank you. I came over to return your bowl and tell you how delicious your pot roast was. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
“Do you have time for a cup of tea or coffee? I could whip you up something for breakfast.”
“I would love a cup of tea. English Breakfast if you have it. But no thank you on breakfast I wouldn’t want you to go to any trouble.”
“No trouble at all Sweet Mae, but if you insist. However I do have some freshly baked blueberry muffins in the cupboard if you’d like one to go along with your tea.”
Mae smiled. “That sounds wonderful Lynne. What can I do to help?”
“Nothing at all just take a seat here at the breakfast bar and chat with me while I fix the tea.” Lynne replied.
As Mae sat and watched Lynne move around the kitchen she continued to look around the house. She noticed there were a lot of pictures around the house; the children at different stages of life, and some professional current photographs. She noticed there were