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Tracie Peterson
Book: Tracie Peterson Read Online Free
Author: A Place to Belong
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Garrett, although surprised, said nothing. Instead, he took off his hat and coat and, before sitting, removed his vest as well. Maggie’s discomfort became evident as Garrett pulled his necktie off and unbuttoned his shirt collar.
    Garrett noticed Maggie’s flushed face. She quickly turned away, and he couldn’t help but grin. “I’m finished, if that’s what you’re wondering,” he teased. “It’d do you some good to get out of that jacket and open up a button or two yourself.”
    “I’m fine for the time being,” she lied, wishing she could do just as Garrett had suggested. The worst heat of the day was only heightened by the closed, cramped quarters of the train.
    “As you wish, but remember we’re traveling south. The heat will only get worse once we leave Topeka,” Garrett said with a shrug of his shoulders.
    His words only reminded Maggie that they were leaving her home. A further reminder sounded loud and clear as the train whistle gave two long blasts. Maggie felt the color drain from her face. It was all she could do to keep from fighting Garrett in an attempt to get off.
    The train gave a bit of a jerk, as if it needed help to start moving down the tracks. Finally, it started pulling slowly out of Topeka’s Santa Fe Station. Maggie watched as people on the platform waved. One older woman, sending a kiss with her gloved hand, reminded Maggie of her grandmother. Maggie bit her lip to keep from crying, but her eyes held betraying tears.
    Long after there was nothing but outlying farms and scenery to look at, Maggie continued to stare out the window. She remembered several years earlier when she had gone with Lillie to see the circus. The two girls had watched the animals get loaded on the train after the final performance. Maggie had felt sorry for the animals in their barred cages. Now, she felt caged.
    After nearly fifteen minutes of strained silence, Garrett spoke. “We should talk before this situation gets worse,” he began. He leaned back against the padded leather of the seat and crossed his arms behind his head.
    Maggie stiffened and moved closer to the window. She was hot and sticky, and the humidity made it nearly impossible to breathe. She wanted to lower the window, but the smoke and cinders from the train’s smokestack would only worsen things. Either way, Garrett Lucas was too close, and she wished desperately to put some kind of distance between them. She sighed deeply.
    “Did you hear what I said?” Garrett questioned.
    “I heard you,” Maggie barely whispered the words. “I simply chose not to argue with you.”
    “I have no intention of arguing with you, Miss Intissar, and begging your pardon, but I believe I will call you by your first name.” Garrett’s voice told Maggie he’d settle for nothing less.
    “Whatever you feel is necessary, Mr. Lucas,” Maggie replied with a coolness to her voice that surprised even her. “It is of little consequence what name you call me by.”
    “Dare I believe you are offering to cooperate with me?” Garrett questioned sarcastically. He turned his body slightly toward Maggie, which only made her more uncomfortable.
    A woman with two children occupied the seats across the aisle, and she leaned toward Garrett and Maggie to catch pieces of their conversation. Maggie detested the woman’s prying attitude and lowered her voice even more.
    “I’ve already agreed to go with you to wherever it is my father calls home. I don’t care what you call me, and I don’t care where you take me. Now, what more is there to discuss?” Maggie felt rather proud of her little speech.
    “I see. What, may I ask, brought about this change in the wild-eyed child that I had words with earlier?” Garrett questioned, intently studying Maggie for some clue as to what she was planning.
    Maggie bit hard on her lower lip, and Garrett smiled, letting Maggie know he was aware he’d hit a nerve.
    “You have your father’s temper. Are you aware of that?”
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