street together and a shady looking guy is walking towards you from the other direction, put her on the other side of you and keep yourself between the shady looking guy and her. She will notice this.
The reason women want this is because a dominant man who can protect her can also protect her children. These days that isn't needed as much, but a thousand years ago this was almost a necessity. That hardwired attraction for a man like that won't be w eeded out after a couple thousand years of policed societies.
Passion is something all women find attractive. A relationship filled with passion is exciting. A passionate man is someone that enjoys life, not somebody that lives a droll, boring, nine-to-five life. When somebody is passionate about something it helps others around them to see what is good about the world.
To become more passionate you need to look at life with vigor and fire. You are lucky to be alive and life is short, so live it to the fullest. You need to enjoy every moment of your life. If she asks about work you don’t have to say "Oh I'm just a construction worker." You can say "I go to work and I get to create something new every day with these hands; I help make some of the biggest structures in the world." It sounds a bit ridiculous, but if you say it like you mean it, it will be the sexiest explanation of a job that you can give.
Charming and Charismatic
People are n’t born with charm and charisma, people have to learn it. Whether they start learning when they are three years old or thirty, charm is something that people have to obtain themselves. It's what can turn a boring story into an exciting adventure. You can use charm and charisma to get yourself out of any tight spot. They are very powerful tools, and not only for creating attraction with women. Charm and charisma are mostly shown with body language, which I will touch upon later.
To become more charming and charismatic, the best thing I can tell you to do is to watch people who are charming and charismatic. Watch them over and over again. Imitate how they talk, how they smile, and how they move. Go out and practice speaking with people, but don't just talk, focus on being charming. Focus on saying what you want to say in a smooth and eloquent way. Before you know it you will master this tool that has single handedly turned so many guys into ladies men.
Being aloof is an attraction trigger because it is the opposite of needy. An aloof man doesn't need anybody. Girls find this very sexy. It is the opposite of most men, who come to women needing validation and attention. It is a breath of fresh air, and a very strong attraction trigger.
An aloof man doesn't let outer things affect his inner calm. When she sees a man who acts unaffected by a woman's beauty, he must have been around a lot of women. It will help hit the Desired by Women attraction trigger. A man who acts unaffected by a dangerous situation must deal with danger all the time. It will hit the Dangerous attraction trigger.
If you look at James Bond from the movies, you will see that he is the definition of aloof. He is unaffected by even very extreme events. He keeps himself calm, cool and collected at all times. He does and says things with no regard to how others will react. He is aloof in every way.
The first step in becoming aloof is understanding what an aloof man acts like. Maybe rent all the 007 movies for a study marathon. It will help you see the way an aloof man acts, and how he holds himself. You must think of yourself as calm, cool, and collected at all times. You don't need any one girl, because there are many girls who are attracted to you. You are aloof.
However one thing to be careful of is that you become too aloof. If you are too aloof you won't pursue women, and you won't live life to the fullest.
Being fun isn't as much of an attraction switch as most people think. After all look at most comedians. They aren't known