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Unexpected Gifts
Book: Unexpected Gifts Read Online Free
Author: Bronwyn Green
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Christmas, holiday, Erotic Romance, free
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wanted. Him. He stilled, letting her adjust to the
invasion, but his body shook from the effort of remaining
motionless. She shifted slightly, taking him deeper, loving the way
his eyes closed and his lips parted as he slid farther in, filling
her completely.
    His eyes flashed in the low light as he
opened them and pinned her with his gaze. She wanted to look away,
afraid he’d see the depth of emotion she’d always been careful to
hide from him, but she couldn’t. She was sure he could see every
thought she’d ever had about him, every feeling she’d ever
experienced for him, and she couldn’t do a thing to stop it. It was
as though he had a direct link to her heart, and he’d learned all
of her secrets. There was a part of her that wanted to look away,
but the bigger part wanted to commit everything about this night to
    Slowly, he withdrew, and she finally had to
shut her eyes. The sensations were too much. She swore she felt
every vein, every ridge as he pushed through her grasping passage.
Her internal muscles convulsed, trying to keep him deep inside her.
She whimpered at the loss as he almost completely pulled out,
groaning as he hilted himself within her again. Nothing in the
world had ever felt this good. She was sure of it.
    Sam’s careful, measured thrusts quickly
became out of control as he shafted her harder and faster. Cassie
loved every rough lunge. She lifted herself into each advance,
meeting him every time, as her release twisted and knotted in her
    She gripped his shoulders, unable to look
away from the way he watched her—as if he were just as in awe of
this moment as she was. She’d never been loved like this. Primitive
need stripped away the mask of civility and filled her with raw,
aching hunger. His gaze held her captive, feral and unfocused, his
jaw clenched. The force of that much passion, directed solely at
her, set off uncontrollable tremors throughout her body.
    She clung tighter to him. His muscles
twisted and flexed under his slick skin as she wrapped herself
around him. Whispering his name over and over like an endless
prayer, she strained against him. The tremors became rolling waves
as he pounded into her, pushing her toward the edge.
    “God, Cass—I can’t hold back. I wanted to
make this good for you,” he grated. “To make it last…”
    Heat coalesced in her middle, spiraling inward in an
ever contracting knot, but his hoarsely muttered words shoved her
past her breaking point, and everything flew apart. Release rushed
through her body, drowning her as her pussy clutched and spasmed
around his cock. Still, he slammed into her.
    He groaned her name as he stiffened, his
body shaking with exertion as his orgasm poured through him and
into her. His heat seared her through the thin barrier of the
condom, and she shuddered, wishing for a crazy moment that there
was nothing between them. His head dropped to her shoulder while he
dragged shaky breaths in and out of his heaving lungs as she
stroked his sweat-damp back.
    Slowly, he raised his head and looked at
her, gently smoothing the hair from her face. Something about his
bemused expression made her feel as if he were seeing her for the
first time. And who knew—maybe he was. This was new territory for
both of them.
    He kissed her. Achingly sweet and tender, it
was the kind of kiss that answered all of the questions she’d ever
thought to ask. All except one—how was she ever going to find the
will to go back to real life when this was over?
    And it would be over. Of that, she had no
doubt. This was a result of the heat of the moment, curiosity and
pity. She couldn’t forget the pity. Yeah, reality was really going
to suck.
    Hiding her face in the curve of his neck,
she sighed. She’d done the one thing she’d always swore she
wouldn’t do. She’d gone and fallen in love with Sam. No, that
wasn’t true. She’d been in love with him for years. She’d just
refused to let those feelings have any air to
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