“ God .”
“I’m real, Gillian.”
“You can’t be.”
“What proof do you need? Do you need my cock in you? Or do you need a little pain?” He flipped her over and latched his mouth onto hers. As his forceful tongue made hers submit, he grated her nipples with his thumbnails and kneaded her breasts.
“So soft. Lovely,” he whispered.
She put her head back to receive the soft kisses he laid on her neck. “This is so wrong, but it feels so good.”
“There’s nothing wrong with seeking pleasure or pain or whatever you’d like. We elves don’t have the same hang-ups as you. If you want something, ask, whether it be for the taste of my dick between your lips or the snap of my whip.” He gave her nipples rough flicks as he said “whip,” and she made a noise that was half growl and half whimper.
“Is pain what you want, Gilly, or are you just trying to incite me?”
“Doesn’t matter what I want. You’re not real.”
He jerked her upright, and got in her face. “I’m standing right in front of you, touching you. I am real , and you see me as I am. Do not insult me by telling me I don’t exist.”
She swallowed hard and moved away from him.
Damn it. His recklessness always got him into trouble. He’d need to rein it in or he would frighten her. He was already at a disadvantage as it was. From what he’d learned during his study of her short history, the woman was commitment-phobic. That suited him fine because it meant she was unattached, but the downside was that she didn’t trust people. Nick hadn’t done much to convince her that he deserved to be trusted.
He backed away and straightened his cuffs. “You’re skeptical, but we must make haste. We’re already behind for the evening. Get dressed, please.”
He headed instinctively for the trashcan in the corner of her small kitchen. He ferreted the Mrs. Claus costume out of the trashcan, brushed off the coffee grounds, and tossed it to her. “Let’s go. You signed a contract last night and you weren’t exactly under duress, although I know I can be rather distracting.”
“Understatement,” she whispered.
“You owe me labor until Christmas.”
“Why don’t you pick someone else to be your assistant? Surely there were other candidates insane enough to say yes to you.” She looked off to the side and then mumbled in what she probably hoped was an incomprehensible volume, “and screw you.”
“Don’t conflate the two jobs. I’m paying you to do one, and you’re going to volunteer to do the other.” He hoped. Gods , he hoped. “Stop dithering. The children’s hospital in San Francisco awaits our arrival.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Children’s hospital?”
“Of course. How do you think I spend all my time in December? Carving little presents out of wood? Sharing ale with the worker elves? No. Above all, I’m an ambassador. So, assistant, get your sweet little ass dressed now. If you make me dress you, you’ll find yourself dressed in rope later, and that won’t be so easy to take off.”
It took her a moment to move, and he wasn’t sure if it was because she was so appalled by what he’d said, or because she liked it . He planned to find out one way or the other, but later.
Work beckoned.
Gillian was starting to have serious doubts about Nick not being real, and to compound her confusion, Nick didn’t fit the mold of who she thought Santa was.
For one thing, he didn’t actually travel by sleigh. Apparently, the sleigh was a vehicle his long-term sub, Claus, had to use by sheer necessity due to the fact he didn’t possess Nick’s elfin magic. The sleigh was enchanted with the ability to exist in multiple planes of time simultaneously so Claus could oversee the delivery of gifts to children worldwide the night before Christmas. Nick’s slew of helpers were the ones depositing the majority of gifts under trees and into stockings. The gifts were manufactured at the North Pole,