Watch Your Step Read Online Free Page A

Watch Your Step
Book: Watch Your Step Read Online Free
Author: T. R. Burns
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    â€œScrabble rematch tonight?” I call back.
    He doesn’t answer. All I hear are his usually slow footsteps racing down the hallway.
    â€œSomething wrong?” Lemon asks.
    I frown at the closed door. “Don’t know.”
    Because Dad usually won’t leave for work until he gives me a hug. If I’m in the shower or getting dressed, he’ll wait for me to come downstairs so we can go through our morning routine before he leaves. Even if it means getting to work late.
    I’m about to run this by Lemon when my K-Pak beeps.
    â€œIt’s Abe,” I say, reading the name in the notification box now covering Lemon’s nose. “Should I answer?”
    Lemon analyzes his paper work in progress. Taking this as permission to proceed, I tap the notification box. The K-Pak screen splits as the face of our fellow Capital T alliance member appears next to Lemon’s.
    â€œHey,” Abe says.
    â€œHi.” I smile. Abe and I aren’t as close as Lemon and I are, but we still went through a lot together over the past year. It’s nice to see him. “How’s it going?”
    â€œGreat! I mean, fine.” He tilts his chin toward where Lemon must be on his K-Pak screen. “Fancy finger work, L-Dog.”
    â€œHow’s your summer?” I ask before Abe can annoy Lemon.
    â€œBusy,” he says. “But I just wanted to check up on—I meanin with—you guys. See what you’ve been doing. If you’ve been practicing anything we learned at school.”
    â€œI’ve been trying a few things,” I say, intentionally vague. Abe’s ultra competitive and is always trying to be the best Troublemaker in our class, so not knowing exactly what I’ve been doing will bother him—and entertain me.
    His eyes narrow, but he doesn’t press. “Lemon? Set any mailboxes on fire lately?
    Lemon’s hands freeze. It’s a reasonable question, but he obviously doesn’t like it. Fortunately, my K-Pak beeps again.
    â€œGabby,” I say as her name pops up on the screen. “Should I answer?”
    â€œNo,” Abe says.
    â€œYes,” Lemon says.
    I tap the box. Lemon’s and Abe’s faces shrink as the K-Pak screen divides into thirds and Capital T’s fourth member appears.
    â€œOh my goodness!” Gabby squeals. “You guys ! There you are ! I’ve missed you so much! How are you? Tell me everything!”
    â€œDid you just kiss your K-Pak camera?” Abe asks.
    She did. At least that’s what it looked like when her face gotreally big, disappeared behind a shiny pink mouth, and reappeared again after she rubbed lip-gloss film from the camera lens.
    But Gabby doesn’t confirm this. Instead, her blue eyes widen until they seem to take up half her head. They aim at Abe, who looks away to avoid becoming trapped in her powerful death stare.
    â€œWe’re good,” I offer. “How about you?”
    Gabby’s eyes return to their normal size. “Great! Especially now that we can talk to and see each other, like, all the time!”
    A loud knock comes through the K-Pak speaker.
    â€œBusy!” Abe calls out.
    Abe’s bedroom door opens. A man—I assume his dad—appears behind him.
    â€œEven for a little sports action before work?” Mr. Hansen holds up both hands. A football is in one, a baseball in the other.
    â€œYes,” Abe says.
    â€œBut you can pick the sport!” Mr. Hansen exclaims.
    â€œThen I pick none,” Abe says.
    â€œOh, come on! A little friendly competition is great for—”
    Mr. Hansen stops when Abe swivels around in his chair. I can only see the back of his head so don’t know what kind of lookhe gives his dad, but it must be pretty serious. Because his dad frowns and leaves the room without another word.
    Abe swivels backs. “So. Gabby. Have you been making trouble?”
    Gabby pauses, and I know she wants
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