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Webs of Deceptions
Book: Webs of Deceptions Read Online Free
Author: D L Davito
Tags: Erótica, Sex, Adult, Erotic, forced sex, Adultery, forced seduction, mmf, explicit sex, gangbang, explicit adult fiction, lactation, reluctant sex, fuck, sex and cheating sex, milf, Seduce, gang bang sex, sex seduction, sex and seduction, fucking, wife seeker, mothers milk, forced prostitution, housewife cheating, sex adventures, explicit ebook, wife mother, force submission lust strangers sex fuck, sex erotica multiple partners, wife cheating, sex in the office, forced concent
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an agency
but they are expensive and not very dependable. Most are not that
good-looking either. Susan’s looks, intelligence and appeal would
bring new clients to our door and be more cost effective for us. I
see it as a win-win situation Mr Dodge.”
    Tim was still hesitant. He asked: “What would
she be wearing when doing this… modeling?”
    Tony replied: “Usually very elegant designer
dresses, sometimes a business suit or casual wear depending on the
    Tim frowned, “You mean like short-shorts or
skimpy bikinis?” He mumbled.
    “Certainly we would want to show Susan off,
but she would never be asked to wear anything she did not approve
of.” Tony said, glancing at Sue.
    Sue turned to her husband and said softly:
“Timothy, don’t you dare start that kind of talk again! I believe
Mr Scala would never ask me to do anything I would be uncomfortable
with, and I have never given you any reason to not trust me. After
all, I’m not just your wife; I am Timmy’s mommy too. I love you
both and would never do anything to betray your trust.”
    From across the room Frank and Ted smiled
secretly to themselves as they realized that Susan’s mini-outburst
had the desired effect on her husband. Tim was contrite as he said:
“Of course I believe you honey, I guess I am just surprised that
you seem so anxious to go back to work after just a couple years of
being a stay at home mom.” He put his hand on hers, “And I’m not
sure how I feel about having strange men drool over you.”
    Sue squeezed his hand: “Oh silly man, that’s
not going to happen. Anyway, the hours Mr Scala asked for won’t
keep me away from you and Timmy very much at all. And if I can
contribute to our family’s welfare by paying the mortgage, I would
love that.” She turned to Tony: “When do you think my first
overnight trip might be?”
    “Well, we have an auto show coming up in a
couple of weeks that would be for two days and a night that I would
like you to take on”, Tony said. “You would simply stand by the new
car in an elegant gown and look pretty. That would be no problem
for you.” Suzie blushed at the complement.
    Tim picked up the thick contract; “I would
like to read through this before we sign.”
    “Of course.” Tony said. “Why don’t you two
sit at that conference table by the window and go through it
together. You will both have to initial each page where marked and
sign the last page to make it binding.”
    After ten minutes Susan got bored with trying
to read all the legalize so she just leafed through and initialed
where she had to, then signed it. She left it with Tim to continue
reading and went over to the bar to refill her coffee. The three
gentlemen were standing at the bar chatting softly and smiled at
her as she joined them.
    Tim was having trouble concentrating on the
document because he kept glancing up to see his wife laughing and
talking to the three men who were gathered around her.
    Finally, he picked up the pen, initialed and
signed the contract.

Chapter Seven – Let’s Celebrate!
    Susan and Tim were giddy with excitement on
their drive home. “I think you were right about these guys honey”,
Tim admitted. “This seems like one hell of a good deal we got to
let us keep our home and get back on our feet. We won’t even have
to ask your parents or mine for money to help us out anymore. In a
couple years we will be sitting pretty.”
    “Oh Tim, this was better than I expected in
my wildest dreams!” Sue said. “You don’t know how frightened I’ve
been about our money problems. Even the sacrifices that Mr Scala
said we would have to make won’t be any problem. I’m actually
anxious to go back to work, especially for a salary that will cover
our mortgage payments. The part-time schedule I have means that I
will only have to increase little Timmy’s time at MDO by one day –
from the Tuesday and Thursday days he has now to Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. He loves it
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