senseless. Sucked the air from her lungs, twined their tongues together. An almost desperate, mindless, seeking touch. He demanded her response and she gave it eagerly. The pleasure in her sex rose like a rocket blasting into outer space.
His hands were everywhere. Skimming her torso, touching her breasts. Clutching her hips and grinding her hard onto his thigh. Excitement washed over her, the rapid beat of her pulse making her lightheaded, out of breath. He licked a path down her neck, nibbled on her collarbone and something electric shot to her core.
“I want you, Pam,” he growled against her skin. “You’re going to be mine.”
Sheesh , that comment pushed a few wrong buttons, but right here, right now? She wasn’t about to argue with his macho-sexist statement as long as he kept doing what he was doing. Lost beyond all reason, she teetered on the edge of an orgasm and if he stopped she would kill him. Pam clasped his head in her hands and hauled his mouth to hers as she leaned back and tried to find the final touch she needed to go over the edge.
The barrier at her back wobbled for a second, then tilted to the north. All their weight went with the wall as it tipped, crashing to the floor with them on top. She smothered her curses as the flames of desire building between them evaporated into thin air.
TJ’s heavy breathing echoed in her ear as they unwound tangled limbs. The damn disco lights flickered over them, showcasing their undignified situation. Partygoers congregated to stare with concern and offer helping hands. Pam scrambled to her feet, but all she could think about was the aching need in her core and the sweet taste of him lingering in her mouth.
Chapter Three
Keil pinched the bridge of his nose and TJ attempted to stand in one place and not fidget like a naughty school kid hauled in front of the principal.
“She’s your mate.”
“Screw it, Keil, I’ve told you a dozen times. If all you’re going to do is repeat ‘she’s your mate’ in a tone of voice suggesting I’m more than slightly brain-dead, we’re hardly going to get anywhere with this conversation, are we?”
Robyn laughed.
“It’s not funny,” Keil complained.
Robyn tugged his arm and cupped her mate’s face in her hands, staring into his eyes.
TJ watched as his brother and sister-in-law discussed him. He knew they were doing it, that talking-between-themselves thing mates could do. He sighed. Well, most mates. He doubted he and Pam would be able to, since she wasn’t wolf. Still, he wasn’t going to argue with fate.
She was most definitely the one. Kissing the woman had been better than any sexual experience he’d had before in his life. He’d been rapidly approaching the point where he would have embarrassed himself and come in his pants. Then he’d managed, again, to muck things up.
So now he waited to be disciplined like a disobedient puppy by his Alpha pair. What he wanted to do was figure out a way to find Pam and finish what they’d started. If she’d even speak to him after being rescued from the tangled mess they’d ended up in on the floor. Thankfully the lights had been dim enough everyone thought it was nothing more than his usual clumsy self, and not the two of them fooling around, that caused the accident.
A tug on his sleeve brought him back from his mental wanderings. Robyn smiled at him and used American Sign Language to talk to him. She signed slowly—he had learned a lot, but still wasn’t fluent.
“If Pam is your mate, how are you going to deal with it?”
TJ hesitated. “You mean, like will I tell her about being a wolf?”
Robyn nodded.
Shit, he hadn’t thought about that. Hell if he knew. He tapped his right fingertips against his forehead several times then flung his hand to the right, ending with his palm out and all five fingers raised.
Robyn blew out a long, slow breath. “You don’t know. So if we suggest you proceed slowly until you have figured it out, would that