“Of course,” she said. “A fair trade.”
Maybe not so fair—Nana’s coffee was percolator-burnt, the charcoal taste lingering on my tongue. She really was slipping; I couldn’t remember Nana cooking anything that wasn’t just right. The night before, she’d microwaved a lasagna and a freezer-pack of vegetables, all of it bland, and during the meal she’d hardly spoken. When Andy tried to draw her into the conversation by asking about her girlhood in Ireland, she responded tersely, with a gaze in my direction, “We didn’t have much, but we took care of each other.”
She was born Margaret Carey and had come to the United States as the bride of John Garner, a boy from a neighboring West Irish farm; they’d always been Nana and Papa to me. They raised my dad and his sister, my aunt Katie, in an apartment in Hell’s Kitchen, back then still an immigrant ghetto on Manhattan’s West Side. A few years after Papa died, Nana took a lump sum from her landlord, who was condo-converting the building, and moved to a nondescript garden apartment in Hackensack to be near her children. Three years ago, she moved again, to Greenlawn, taking charge of my father’s care. The side-by-side bedrooms that were once Deirdre’s and mine were transformed for her into a floral-print-covered sleeping area and a tchotchke-filled TV room. She’d always seemed strong enough to survive anything—her husband had died, then my mother, then Uncle Angelo, who was Aunt Katie’s husband—but perhaps this, the death of her only son, Edward, was just one blow too many.
She was already dressed for church, sitting in the kitchen, once again glued to the TV, watching one of those courtroom entertainment shows. A female judge narrowed a hawkish brow and wagged her finger. “Sir, sir, just a minute, sir. This is my court. You speak when I tell you to.”
Out the window, day was breaking, revealing the shocking brilliance of icy tree branches and white rooftops. “I haven’t woken up to snow since forever,” I said. “I forgot how beautiful it is.”
“The roads will be slippery,” she said. “Your father keeps the shovel in the garage.”
Father had a dull magnetic force to it, drawing her gaze from the TV and mine from the window. Between us vibrated some combination of bond and rift; the thing that tied us to each other was also the place where we were worlds apart. In the bitter gloom on Nana’s face I glimpsed her years as Dad’s caretaker—feeding and washing and changing him like he was an infant again. I was reminded of gay guys I’d seen survive their lovers or their best friends; death offered no real relief, no catharsis, just the cold reality of inevitable demise. Nana bore the same kind of battle fatigue.
I felt my face getting hot. “This must be hard for you,” I offered.
Something sharp flickered across her face, but all she said was, “He’s no longer suffering, thank God.”
Years ago, I had talked to Nana about the tension between my father and me, about the reasons behind it, about who I was. We were at her apartment in Hackensack, and she’d cooked me lunch and made a rhubarb pie for dessert. I remember the queasiness I felt as I ate, preparing to break a silence, unsure of what to expect. When the moment came, she listened without interrupting, and then told me, “You’ll always be my grandson.” At the time this had seemed like a great generosity, but when I asked her to talk to Dad on my behalf, she replied, “When Edward had words with his father, I kept out of it. I’ll stay out of this one, too.” I had tried not to hold this against her. She was old, even Old World; I could hardly expect her to wave my flags. But why wouldn’t she cut me any slack now? Was it so hard for her to understand my reasons for staying away? Was I really so unforgivable?
Outside, the air was so crisp my cheeks felt slapped. I used a shovel that had been in our family for as long as I could remember,