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You've Got Tail
Book: You've Got Tail Read Online Free
Author: Renee George
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as he stretched his body to tuck in his shirt. “But we should probably talk.”
    â€œI’m in no mood.” For talk. Damn, he was super-fine.
    â€œWell, you kind of need to get in the mood.” He shook his hair out, droplets spraying out around him. It began to feel like a bad (or really good, depending on who you asked) shampoo commercial. “There’s been a mistake. My sister should’ve never invited you out here, Sunny.”
    â€œYou’ve said that already, but unfortunately for you, my name’s on the property, same as hers, all legal and binding. I’m staying. Period. End of discussion. Besides, I’m not going anywhere until I find Chav.”
    Babel chewed his lower lip and narrowed his eyes at me. “I don’t think you understand the situation.”
    â€œOh, I think I do. You don’t like me. Fine. I get that.”
    â€œIt’s a might more complicated than that.” He scratched at his five o’clock shadow.
    I resisted the temptation to offer him a hand. “Why do you care, anyway? Don’t you have a real life you want to get back to? You seem awfully concerned for a guy who isn’t even sticking around.”
    â€œAnd what makes you think that?” Babel asked.
    â€œUh…” Fair question. I couldn’t exactly tell him that I’d heard him tell his cuh-razy lover in a vision. “Well, you didn’t exactly stick around after the search was called off for Judah.”
    A pained expression crossed his face. I instantly regretted being such an ass. It was a low blow, and petty even.
    â€œI stayed for as long as I could stand it.” He shook his head. “I’m not meant for this place, Sunny. And neither are you.”
    Another twinge. “It doesn’t matter.” We would find Chavvah, then he would be gone. “Have you heard anything? Are the police searching for her?”
    â€œNo and yes. I haven’t heard from Chavvie, but Sheriff Taylor isn’t giving up.” He flicked his thumbnail against his ring fingernail. “Not yet, anyways.”
    â€œShe’ll show up, Babel. I just know it.” But I didn’t know it. In my heart, I believed she was alive, and not because of any vision. “She’s my best friend. I’d feel it if she was gone. Now, go on back to wherever you’re staying…” Oh, crap. Maybe he’d been staying here. “You do have another place to stay don’t you?”
    Babel nodded once. “I’ve been staying at Chavvie’s cabin down by the lake.”
    â€œGood,” I whispered. I’d want to check out her place later for clues to what happened. “It’s been a long drive for me, and I need a nap so I can figure out what I have to do next to find her.”
    He shook his head as if he was having an argument with himself. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours with some cleaning supplies and get the floor behind the counter scrubbed.”
    I didn’t want to talk anymore. I wanted to get my bags out of the truck. I’d hassle with unpacking the U-Haul later, but the bags were a must. I needed something personal, something of mine in this place. I held out my hand. “That’s a nice offer. I can manage. Thanks.”
    Babel took my hand, and gave me a tight-lipped smile. “You don’t handle blood very well. After I clean it up, maybe we can compare notes about Chavvie.”
    I nodded, afraid that if I spoke the dams would open and I wouldn’t be able to stop the tears. Then I heard a voice like a whisper in my ear.
    Save her.
    Babel let go of my hand. “I’ll be back.” The way he said it sounded more like a threat than a promise. As he walked out the front door, he added, “You’ve got an audience.”

Chapter 2
    A fter a little exploring, I’d found a brick in the kitchen to prop the front door open. I needed the fresh air almost as much as the
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