Jergens , the week off. You are
doing an admirable job as his replacement.”
Liv laughed softly. The feminine sound curled up his
After dropping the
sponge in the water, she soaped his hair. Her fingers massaged his scalp in a
way he wanted her to massage his cock. He leaned his head back and sighed. No
one had ever done this for him before, besides servants. The intimacy was
entirely new and welcome. The fact she handed her trust to him—humbled him. Trust
did travel both ways. He brought a strange woman to his residence. He never
brought anyone to his private place. She could have robbed him blind and lit
out in the night like a sneak thief or could have murdered him in his bed. Liv was none of those things. He never trusted anyone, but
he trusted her. With everything he had.
She stood and brought
back the pitcher from the counter. Dipping it in the water, she filled it, and
then rinsed his hair, running her fingers through it as she slowly cleaned the
soap away. The warmth of the water and her compelling touch relaxed him into
serene fulfillment.
Liv set the empty pitcher on the floor, walked back to
the counter and busied herself. He watched her every move. She glided back
toward him carrying a tray. She pushed over the small tub-high table closer to
him with her foot. Liv smiled and set the tray down.
The peignoir fluttered to the floor. She stood, naked and dazzling. Her long,
wavy, golden-honey hair hung to her waist. Her hardened nipples poked through
her hair as if asking for attention. She stepped into the tub and straddled
him, her knees resting on either side of his hips. He silently thanked
providence for ordering the extra-large bathtub.
She reached for the
shaving brush and soap cup. Swishing the brush in the water, she began to
lather his face.
God, could his prick
harden any further? A dollop of soap dripped onto his lip. Liv reached out with her finger and swirled it away. Her finger lingered, roving
over his lips. His insides twisted in desire, and a husky moan poured from him.
She passed him the
straight razor, and then held a round mirror before him.
“You do not want to
shave me, then?”
“I do not know how. You
would trust me with a razor?” she teased.
He captured her gaze. “I
trust you with my very soul.”
Damned thing of it
was—he did. Completely and fully. Admitting this to
himself stunned him afresh.
Her face softened, her
plump lower lip trembled with emotion. “Oh, Gideon.”
Silence filled the
bathroom. The scraping of the razor over his heavy whiskers and the occasional
splash of water were the only sounds in the room.
He laid the razor on the
tray and sponged off the excess soap. He reached for the mirror from her grip
and laid it next to the razor.
“Do you know how
astoundingly handsome you are?” she said, admiration in her tone.
She reached out and
caressed his freshly shaved cheek.
“Do you know how
intoxicating your touch is, Liv ? Do you know how much
I want you—again?”
Liv glanced downward. His prominent erection poked
upright through the water.
“I have an idea,” she
laughed softly.
“Sit here, ride me.”
“Truly? What about the sheaths?”
“I need to feel all of
you, with no encumbrance. I promise I will not come inside you. I will lift you
off before I do. Here.”
She nodded and rose up
on her knees. Gideon clasped his cock and held it outward. Grasping his
shoulders, she lowered herself until all of him was enclosed in her swollen
Laying his hands on her
hips, he moved her back and forth in a rocking motion. God, his heart banged
against his ribcage. A hot stab of emotion nearly cleaved him in two as neatly
as a sword slice.
“Oh! Oh, yes.”
“Yes,” he replied.
He moved her hips faster
while lifting his own, thrusting deep. He leaned in and suckled on her breast
while not hesitating in his movements. Liv cried out
her release, and her nails scored his shoulders, the slight pain exquisite. His