A Riding Crop for Two Read Online Free

A Riding Crop for Two
Book: A Riding Crop for Two Read Online Free
Author: Karyn Gerrard
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Another drawer held neckties,
neck-cloths and cravats of all colors and types. Heavens, there was enough
clothing here to dress five men.
    She turned and left the
dressing room and softly closed the door behind her. Opening the door next to
it, she gasped. His private bath was stunning. Completely
modern. Her hand touched the top of the huge porcelain claw-foot tub,
big enough for two, she observed. Hand-painted tiles with scenes of stately
gardens adorned the walls. On the opposite wall was a large window with
elaborate stained glass, the pattern similar to the garden design of the wall
tiles. A copper gas heater was connected to the pipes coming through the wall.
Good God, the man had hot, running water. She glanced at the nearby washbasin
with its ornate, marble top; it too connected to exterior pipes. Her guest bath
did not have this. She bathed in a copper tub with heated water the maid had
brought to her. Her bathroom did have an indoor privy, but it was not as fancy
as this one. The intricate etchings of the commode matched the marble basin,
and it had a mahogany seat. Such luxury.
    She would run Gideon a
warm bath. She turned the taps and the pipes rattled and shook for a few
moments, startling her. A puff of gas came out of the taps, making her cough.
The heater clanked. Sticking her hand under the faucet, she adjusted the taps until
an even mixture of hot and cold water came forth.
    Next to the basin were a
number of items laid out on a wooden tray. Olivia walked to the counter and
stroked the objects with her fingers. A bottle of
’s Lime Aftershave, a straight razor,
sandalwood shaving soap and a brush. A container of tooth
powder, and next to it, a bottle of Creed’s cologne. She picked it up,
unscrewed the cap and inhaled deeply. Gideon, in every way.   She could smell cloves, bergamot, and a
slight hint of citrus, lemon perhaps? She sauntered back to the bath and added
a few drops of the scent to the water.
    Olivia leaned against
the edge of the tub and relived the past hour. She hadn’t any notion sex could
be so wonderful, so all consuming and compelling. Her only other experience
with sex was the rape.   She did not count
her time at The Riding Crop. Men often climaxed while she whipped them with her
crop. She thought it disgusting. She had no idea. The rapturous lovemaking from
Gideon did not completely erase the horrible memories, but it certainly was a
good beginning.
    Her fingers absently ran
through the rising water. Brought back from her pleasant thoughts of a naked
Gideon above her and thrusting deep, she turned off the taps, laid the bottle
of cologne on the counter and headed to the bedroom.
    Gideon’s eyes fluttered
open. He must have been dreaming. An angel in a coral gown was touching him and
whispering in his ear.
    “Gideon, wake up. I have
run you a bath. Come.”
    His eyes opened wider
and focused. Liv . Yes, he was in heaven. He felt so
relaxed, so sated and content; he could have slept for hours.
    He yawned, stretched and
watched the admiring gaze of Liv cover him as he
stood. He glanced down. Hard as a pike. As he looked
back at Liv , she grinned and shook her head in
amusement. He clasped her small hand and let her lead him toward the bathroom.
He climbed into the tub and lowered himself. Since his legs were so long, he
had to bend them slightly at the knee. Liv picked up
the sponge and his soap and sat on the edge of the large tub. With a slow,
deliberate circular motion, she lathered his body with soap, beginning at his
neck and across his shoulders. God, her touch. The sponge flicked his nipples, hardening
them into peaks. He was so sensitive there, hell, everywhere. As long as it was Liv doing the touching.
    She dipped the sponge in
the tub then squeezed, rivulets of warm water trailed down his chest. She
leaned forward to wash his back, and her breasts brushed by his cheek. A ragged
moan of lust tore from his throat.
    “I picked a good time to
give my valet, Mr.
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