Surviving This Life Read Online Free

Surviving This Life
Book: Surviving This Life Read Online Free
Author: Salice Rodgers, N. Nieto
Tags: Zombies
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lingers on them for a second and he looks back up to me and Liv.
    “That might be the last of the medicine we see in a long time.” He turns and walks away to help another man who walks in limping.
    Liv loops her arm in mine and leads us towards the door. When we make it to the door she looks around and then nods like she is talking herself into leading us back outside the doors of the only safety we have had since we left her house what feels like days ago.
    Once we make it outside she tugs on my arm to stop me and waits until I look at her.
    “Wil we need a car. We have got to get to Dev and Tony. And I sure as hell don’t want to walk the whole way and I highly doubt the busses are doing their routes today,” she quips.
    “Okay, how do you want to do this?” I ask trying not to let the shakiness show in my voice. I don’t want to be separated.
    “What do you mean how do we do this? We look for a car with keys in it and we leave. And don’t even think about splitting up,” she replies.
    We walk into the parking lot and up to the first car. The car is a piss yellow bug and as bad as we need a car I pray the keys are not inside it.  Even in the apocalypse I don’t want to ride in a bug. Liv leans towards the car and looks in the window shaking her head.
    “Nope no keys,” she says not looking disappointed at all. “I think we need to look at some of the bigger cars anyways,” she says pulling me over to a blacked out escalade that is parked right beside the God awful bug.
    I step up to the window and cup my hands around my eyes and look inside. When I lean back Liv is looking hopeful and I shake my head no.
    I look around the lot for another SUV and quietly shake Liv’s arm. Across the lot is a black Range Rover, the car of my dreams. I can remember joking with Liv that when I get famous I would buy us both one. She smiles and motions towards the car. If I knew it wouldn’t draw attention to us I would scream my happiness.
    “Go check her for keys,” Liv encourages me.
    I nod my head and try not to dance towards the Range Rover praying there are keys inside. I lean towards the window and almost scream with joy.
    “Keys Liv! Keys!!” I chime.
    “No way! Really?” she says trying to peer through the window herself to confirm.
    Liv opens the driver side door and looks inside while I walk around to the passenger side. I can’t help but smile at the feeling of the seats under my hands as I rub them before I sit down. When I look in the backseat my heart hits my feet.
    “Oh my gosh, Liv! Backseat!” I slap at her arm to get her attention.
    She peers around the side of the driver seat and her eyes goes wide as she sees exactly what I see.
    “I… Is she alive?” Liv whispers.
    “I...hope. You check.” I shake my head and back out of the car holding my hands up in surrender.
    She lets out a heavy sign. “Fine.”
    She slowly opens the driver side back door and leans in close to the small child that is curled up in the back seat. I watch as she gently shakes her. The little girl springs up quickly looking around with a look of pure horror on her face.
    “Who….who are you? Please don’t hurt me.”
    Liv gives the little girl a gentle smile. “I’m not going to hurt you. My name is Olivia but my friends call me Liv. What’s your name?” She kindly asks.
    “My mommy says don’t talk to strangers,” she pouts.
    “Where is your mommy?” Liv ask sweetly and looks around expecting to find her in the car too.
    "She tried to bite me even when she knows biting gets you a timeout. I tried to tell her to stop, that it wasn't nice b..but she didn't listen so I ran. Am I going to be in trouble?" she cries.
    Liv looks at me then back to the blue eyed blonde haired little girl. “No baby you are not in trouble. Where were you when your mommy tried to bite you?”
    “M…My house. What was wrong with my mommy?”
    “Umm…” She looks to me for help explaining.
    I shrug my shoulders, what do you tell a
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