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Surviving This Life
Book: Surviving This Life Read Online Free
Author: Salice Rodgers, N. Nieto
Tags: Zombies
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kid about what is going on in the world around you when you’re not even sure yourself? I look around us checking for flesh eaters and turn my attention back to the little girl in the backseat.
    “How old are you sweetie?” I ask.
    “I am five,” she shyly says.
    “Wow you are a smart girl for five. You did the right thing to run. Your mommy is ….sick. And she sent us to look after you but she forgot to tell us your name,” Liv says.
    She looks between the two of us and I nod my head smiling.
    “Em...Emily Brooke King,” she says smiling.
    “That’s a very pretty name. Would you like to go with us Emily?” Liv asks.
    She doesn’t say anything just nods her head yes.
    We climb in the range rover. Liv looks over at me and smiles.
    “This is awesome! I have always wanted one of these and I know you have too.” She is rubbing her hands along the wheel like its precious gold or something. I don’t blame her though, I would do the same thing if I was behind the wheel. Stupid arm !
    Just then we hear shrieking and piercing screams coming from behind us. We quickly look over our shoulders and out of the back glass to see the mass of people that was in the waiting room of the hospital are now spilling out into the parking lot with flesh eaters fast on their heels.  Where did they come from? There wasn’t any in there when we walked in. Then it hits me.
    “OH MY GOD LIV!”
    She looks at me.
    “It’s the bites! The bites will turn you!” I am shocked that that is actually true. This shit is only supposed to be in movies right?
    Just then a loud bang on the back glass of the Range Rover grabs our attention. Emily screams out.
    “Quick close y’alls doors!” Liv screams as we scramble to close the doors, but little Emily is having trouble with hers.
    “It’s…too…heavy,” she says as she is pulling with all her little might. Just then the flesh eater stumbles its way around the car to find Emily’s open door. It surges forward and its upper body falls on the seat with Emily. She jumps back and pushes herself all the way against the opposite door screaming as the flesh eater scratches at the seats trying to claw its way to her. His moans and Emily’s screams fill the car.
    “HELP ME!!! PLEASE!” she begs. Before I can think about doing anything Liv is already out of the car and yanking the flesh eater back away from Emily and out of the car. She throws him to the ground and takes her foot and smashes it in his temple. His moans instantly quiet. She slams Emily’s door shut and jumps in the front seat quickly closing her door as well.
    “Are you ok?” Liv asks as she looks back at the terrified little girl.
    Tears rolling down her little round cheeks. “Y… You saved me,” she whimpers out.
    Liv surprises me by reaching back and taking the girl’s small hand in hers. “I will always save you. You are safe now,” she says as she gently squeezes the tiny hand.
    Liv has never been the mushy type of girl. I have never seen her act like this toward any child. She usually tries to stay away from them and avoid them completely. I wonder what it is about Emily that makes her different. I give Emily a reassuring smile.
    “She’s right. She will always keep you safe. She has saved me more times than I can count. You are safe with us Emily I hope you believe that,” I say sweetly.
    “I do,” she says and jumps up wrapping her arms around Liv’s neck. “Thank you Liv!” she squeals in delight. Her little singsong voice bounces off every window in the car causing a smile to spread over my face.
    Liv wraps her arms around Emily and gives her a quick hug. “You’re welcome. Now sit back and buckle up this is going to be a bumpy ride,” she says as she cranks the car and it purrs to life.

Chapter Four
    As I back out of the parking lot I see Emily looking up at me with such admiration in her eyes. I don’t know what it is about that little girl that makes me feel so protective. I hate
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