falling from his lips caused butterflies to fill my belly. I pushed them away, knowing that if I allowed that feeling to stick I would make more out of this one time deal than it was. Instead, I nodded my head yes. With one swift movement he was inside of me, filling me to the brim with everything that was Chase Winchester.
“You’re everything I knew you would be,” he whispered as he drove in and out of me, my insides curling with every slide.
Unable to speak a word, I moaned out in pleasure. Every thrust inside of me was one that held all the aggression and anger we had towards one another. He gripped me by the back of the head, forcing our foreheads together as he drove into me with more intensity than before. His teeth were bared, and his grip on my hip was hard. Words didn’t need to be said. Our bodies made up for what we never could say, and as my core clenched around him, I knew I would never experience something like this ever again.
I watched him above me as he pushed himself off that nonexistent cliff, his cock swelling deep inside of me. The pulsing that coursed through me, and the fact that I had shared a moment with Chase that I knew I would never get back, radiated throughout me.
“Fuck!” I gasped, as the memories had all but resurfaced. I didn’t feel regret remembering what had taken place. No, I was more concerned with the fact that I now had to do the walk of shame, and that everyone would know that I had slept with Chase, becoming yet another slash on his headboard.
“We can,” his voice met my ears. “I mean again, that is if you’re up for it.” I rolled over, just for a moment, telling myself I didn’t really want to see him in all his I was just fucked glory. I snarled at him as I jumped from the bed to find my clothing.
He was much easier to deal with when alcohol was in my system, that and the fact that I had finally slept with him would hopefully remove my slight obsession with him from my mind.
“You were a good lay and all, but I think it’s time to explore other options.” I flung the words at him, praying that they would hit him in the chest and knock him over. His facial expression fell, as he went from smiling and cocky to angry and displeased. But I knew better. Chase wasn’t the type to stay longer than it took to remove the condom, so how I had managed to stay overnight− I did not know.
Chase moved to the edge of the bed, resting against his forearms. His eyes said he was fuming angry, but the smile that was forming on his face said otherwise.
“I feel the same, Gia. In fact, I believe that you were one of the best lays of the year. However, more will come and I do mean literally.” I narrowed my eyes. I wasn’t sure why his words caused anger to form within me. It wasn’t as if I wasn’t aware of the things he did. Maybe I had wanted to forget for a second, maybe I wanted to think that he had a soul underneath all the bullshit I had heard about him.
Without another word said, I slipped my clothes on and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I told myself that if I had a chance with him I would never walk away like one of the millions of other girls did on this campus.
Yet here I was.
Tears formed behind my eyes as I headed out of the house.
Chase had a heart, I had felt it last night, and the sad part was I would never feel it again.
I couldn’t tell you how long I laid on my bed after she left. All I knew was that I dreaded the words I had said the second I
“Fucking. Stupid. Fucking…” I was fuming, raging, my fists clenched at my side. Last night had been amazing, exhilarating, but I should’ve known that one time with her would never be enough. When I slid into her, I felt at home. I felt whole, something that I never felt with any others. It was times like this that I hated the reputation that I had created for myself.
“You fucked her… didn’t you?” Chance was lingering at my bedroom door, his words held anger