she came up with that. The girl’s a freakazoid. Dylan owed him bigtime. When Donavan saw his friend dancing with Emerson Riley he finally understood. Dyl had been crazy about that girl for months but never made a move until now. Good for him! Devon stepped on his toes six times, bless her. The song seemed to last forever. Over her shoulder, he spotted Dylan ask Jake to dance with Amazon. Donavan glared at her. Harper glared right back. They had a fierce silent exchange.
Donavan’s eyes narrowed to slits. Jake held her just a little too close. What’s he playing at? As the song finally ended, Jake led Harper out of the ballroom to the gardens beyond. Oh hell no! Donavan bristled. Irrational anger poured through him like acid. He abruptly walked off the dance floor, leaving poor Devon and his date behind. No choice, he had to follow.
Harper felt breathless anticipation. She started out the night dateless, embarrassed by her gangly size. Now Jake Callahan, one of the most popular boys in school walked beside her. The lush botanical gardens looked enchanting in the moonlight.
“Can’t believe we’ve never spoken before,” Jake said. “You’re funny, smart and kinda cute.”
Harper burst out laughing. She’d been called a lot of things in her life, cute definitely wasn’t one of them. They passed other couples, some walking hand in hand others making out in the shadows. Jake smoothly turned her down a dim path. An ivy covered wall concealed them from view. Jake flashed his signature, high wattage grin. He was really good looking – wavy brown hair, dreamy hazel eyes, tanned gold skin with an athlete’s body. He wanted to kiss her, she could tell by the way he inched closer. He cupped her cheek with his hand and leaned in. It’s gonna happen! It’s gonna happen! My first kiss, finally!
Harper dreamed of this moment. She never imagined it would be with someone she didn’t really care about but at least she’d know what a kiss felt like. Harper closed her eyes and waited. She heard a thump. Her eyes flew open. Donavan knocked Jake on his ass.
“Are you kidding me?” Donavan hissed.
Jake leaped up and brushed dirt from his pants. “Yo, chill out man.”
“She’s off limits!” Donavan said, “You can have most any girl you want, not this one.”
Jake rolled his eyes. “Come on man.”
Donavan shoved him back hard. “You and me, we’re gonna have a problem if you don’t back off and apologize.”
Jake twisted his lips. “Sorry,” he mumbled. He gave a mock salute before turning on his heel and leaving.
Silence. Harper glared at him. The undercurrents between them made Donavan uneasy in the darkness. Harper folded her arms tight beneath her breasts. When the hell did she grow boobs?
“Why do you have to ruin everything?” she yelled.
“Oh should I just let Jake add you to his little black book? Yeah, he keeps a record of every girl he kisses, makes out with or has sex with, then he rates them on a scale of smoking hot to ice ice baby. Is that what you want?”
She paled, then flushed crimson. “No damn it.”
“So what’s your problem?”
“You!” she burst out. “Why do you hate me?”
“I don’t hate you,” he said irritably.
“I didn’t want to come to this stupid dance anyway.”
“Then go home.”
“Not without my first kiss.”
Donavan laughed. Then he saw the stricken look on her face. “Oh, you’re not kidding.”
“Ugh! Be a jerk why don’t you.”
“I’m sorry but it’s hard for me to take you seriously when you look like Big Bird.” He laughed at his own joke. He expected some snappy comeback or insult. Harper threw the lopsided yellow feathered hat at him.
The air instantly crackled between them, like electric static. Donavan closed the distance in two strides. Damn she’s tall. They were almost nose to nose.
“I’ll kiss you.”
“With tongue or no?”
“Um, not sure.”