and disappointment as if he expected more from me. I shook my head as I looked into his eyes. I so didn’t want to fucking talk about Gia with him.
I stayed silent and I knew in doing so it did me no good. Saying I did made it apparent and being silent did too, so I just said nothing knowing he knew anyway. Twin intuition and all.
“I tell you to stay away, I tell you not to cross the fucking line because she’s not even in the same league as the other girls you fuck with, and you take that line and obliterate it.” I rolled my eyes at his words, he had a knack for sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. Preferably my business.
“You saw me with her last night, don’t pretend to be the good brother here. You know what I was doing with her, and it’s not like she didn’t want it too,” I said between clenched teeth.
Chance entered my room completely and came to settle on one of the chairs in the far corner of my bedroom.
“She’s better than you. Better than whatever the fuck it is that you think you can offer her. You know that, and you know that I don’t have to explain that shit to you. You’re a playboy who loves to party. She’s a good girl trying to graduate at the top of our senior class. I didn’t think you were stupid enough to put yourself in that situation.” Everything he was saying was hitting me directly in the chest, like he was tackling me to the ground in an effort to knock some fucking sense into me.
I was mad, but was I really mad at him or myself? I had screwed up, I had crossed the line that I said I wouldn’t.
“Chance, I know I fucked up…” I sighed, my head in my hands. “She’s just…” What was she to me, could I even explain to him how she made me feel?
“She’s what? I’m sure whatever she thought about you before, she now feels was absolutely right. I saw her face as she walked out of the house. She wasn’t fucking pleased in the least bit.”
Great! Fucking great! I wanted to scream, to punch something, to expel the anger building inside of me, but I knew I deserved it. I had earned this hate.
“To me she’s different, she’s better than the others. I might not ever admit it to her, or anyone besides you, but she’s better than them. I feel something with her that I have never felt,” I huffed out.
Chance remained silent for some time before finally speaking, and when he did, I was in a knot over what to fucking do.
“My advice is that you leave her alone. Let the pieces land where they will. You got what you wanted, move the fuck on. I need to be able to do my job and help her get to the top by tutoring her.” I lifted my head from my hands. He wanted me to leave her alone? After the night we had just shared? I wasn’t sure that I could do that.
“I don’t know…” Chance’s hand landed upon my shoulder squeezing it tightly.
“I don’t care if you don’t know if you can do it or not. Just do it anyway. She deserves better and more, and I won’t tell you that again.” His eyes narrowed, and I knew he was being honest. He wouldn’t tell me again. If I crossed the line again, he would make it known.
The anger within me stilled as I listened to him leave the room, closing the door quietly behind him.
I wanted to be angry at him, to lash out and say ‘you can’t tell me what to do’, but I knew that this was all on me and that he was watching out for Gia. He knew the damage that I could cause, hell the damage I had already caused. No one knew me better than my brother, and he knew Gia had a better chance at surviving all of this if we just let last night be a distant memory.
One night. That’s all it was. That’s all that it would ever be. I needed to push the memories to the back of my mind, to move on from whatever feelings I thought I had towards her. I never went for the same woman twice. She wouldn’t be any different.
She’s just like them. She’s not better than them. She just wanted to use you, just like they did.