kids. But there is something about her big blue eyes and bouncing blonde curls that just steal my heart. I will protect her with every ounce of my being.
“Hold on,” I say as I run down two flesh eaters and merge onto the highway. We are instantly stopped by a line of cars honking, their horns demanding to move forward.
“What the hell?” Wil barks.
“I don’t know, but we ain’t getting to Devin this way,” I say turning around and going in the opposite direction. Lucky for us there are like three different back ways from here to get to Devin and Tony’s apartment building.
About two miles down the road we come to a small store. Gas and Smokes, the old faded out sign above the building says. I pull in and park next to the gas pumps. The Range Rover has a half a tank, but who knows when the next time we will be able to get gas is.
“Stay here both of you.” I look at Wil and Emily. They both nod.
I get out and quickly open the gas tank lid. I grab the gas pump and shove it in praying there will be gas in it. To my surprise there is and I quickly fill up the tank and the reserve tank. I open the car door and ask, “Do y’all want anything?”
“Some water,” Wil says.
I look back at Emily. “And for you little lady?” I ask.
She looks at me shyly. “I don’t have any money. I don’t get my allowance until Fridays.”
“I got it baby. I told you I would take care of you,” I smile then look back at Willow.
“Keep the doors closed and locked. DO NOT under any circumstances open these doors until I came back out.” She nods her head yes. I punch the lock button and make my way inside the store.
As soon as I walk in the smell of stale cigarettes fills my nostrils. The floors are old hardwood that don’t look like they have been polished or kept up in years. The fluorescent light blinks on and off above my head making a buzzing sound as it does so. It gives this place an even more creepy feeling.
“Hello?” I call out. “Anyone here?” I wait. No answer. I make my way down the long crooked aisles, looking for any sign of life.
“Hello??” I call out again. Still no response. Hum.. that’s odd. I turn and look at the sign on the door and it clearly says open in big, glowing, orange, flashing letters. I shake my head and turn back to focus on the items on the aisle. I see a small backpack on one of the racks with the Alabama state flag on it. I pick it up and look at the price tag. $12.99. Not too bad. I decide to get it. Maybe it will come in handy. I finish walking down that aisle and turn to go down the next one when I hear the distinct moan that I have just recently become familiar with. A flesh eater.
“Shit!” I turn around just as he is about to attack. I jump out of the way and he stumbles forward. I catch a glimpse of the name tag on his shirt. ‘Rick, Gas and Smokes’. Well no need to pay for my things. I’d almost laugh at that thought if I wasn’t trying to not get eaten. He lunges forward again and I sweep under his arm and around behind him. I snag a bag of Doritos as I do so and shove them in my bag. I rush back to the freezers and throw in several bottles of water and a couple Mountain Dews. He is hot on my tail again and surges forward to bite my shoulder blade. I elbow him in the head and he staggers backwards some, just enough for me to move out from around him and head down another aisle. This is the candy aisle. Yum . I empty the whole box of Reeses in my bag. This thing is getting full. Rick’s moans pull me out of my thoughts as I feel his breathe on the back of my neck.
“HOLY FUCK!” I scream as I dash forward making him face plant on the worn out hardwood floor.
I sprint down the last aisle throwing anything and everything I can see that is edible into the bag. Once I am done I hear not one but two sets of dragging footsteps behind me. Fucking shit! Where do they keep coming from? I quickly glance over my shoulder and see that Rick is now joined