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Accidental Commando
Book: Accidental Commando Read Online Free
Author: Ingrid Weaver
Tags: Suspense, Romance
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then snapped it shut. “Miss Wright, the envoy is due to arrive at the palace within the hour. Can we count on your cooperation?”
    “I already told Sergeant Matheson I’d be willing to testify if there’s a trial. I know how that works. Or do you want me to talk with a sketch artist or something, so you know who you’re looking for?”
    “While I appreciate the offer, I’m afraid time is of the essence. We need a more hands-on approach.” He nodded to Tyler, who immediately turned from the window and came forward. “We’d like you to accompany Sergeant Matheson as he continues his surveillance of the plaza.”
    “What? You’re kidding.”
    “This is not a laughing matter, Miss Wright. We want you to point out El Gato if you see him.”
    “Now, wait a minute,” she said, backing up. “I only agreed to meet with you because I wanted some guarantee that the damage to my room and my belongings will be covered. That’s all. I’ve got plans for today.”
    Redinger glanced at Tyler. “Sergeant?”
    “I already assured Miss Wright we’d take care of the damage, Major.”
    “Then what’s the problem?”
    “Miss Wright doesn’t trust anyone with a Y chromosome, sir.”
    Emily bumped into a side table. She turned to steady the vase of flowers it held. And to hide the blush that was burning her cheeks. Had she said that? Probably. But the way Tyler had repeated her words in a flat, impersonal tone, as if he were making an official report, had made them sound petty. Bitter. As if she were so focused on her grudge against the male sex that she couldn’t see there were more important things happening in the world. Things that didn’t revolve around her and her hurt feelings.
    Yes, well, maybe she was indulging herself a little too much with that. He might understand where she was coming from if he’d had his life turned upside down and stomped on, too. It was the morning after what should have been her wedding night. Her wounds were too fresh for her to feel reasonable. She was entitled to some anger.
    It was preferable to tears.
    She stopped fidgeting with the vase and lifted her chin. “I’m here for a vacation. A nice, relaxing, stress-free ho—” She swallowed. She had almost said honeymoon. “Holiday,” she finished.
    “Not anymore,” the major said.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Miss Wright, you must understand the seriousness of the situation. If we know you can identify El Gato, then it’s certain that he has reached the same conclusion. He will likely decide to silence you.”
    “What? No, he couldn’t know I remember him. Most people wouldn’t. It happened really fast. I just have a knack for faces.”
    “We have no doubt he’s responsible for the death of the construction worker today. That’s his pattern. You can’t resume your vacation as if nothing has happened. He knows where you’re staying, and he’s already tried to kill you once.”
    Was the major deliberately trying to scare her? He didn’t appear to be. His matter-of-fact manner hadn’t changed. Neither had the quiet confidence he projected. And that made what he was saying all the more scary.
    “If you choose to work with us, we can keep you safe. But if you don’t, then your only alternative is to leave Rocama City immediately.”
    “No way. I’m not going home yet. I couldn’t. I just got here. I already paid for ten days.”
    Major Redinger dipped his chin in a tight nod. “You made the best choice, Miss Wright. Our government is grateful for your help.”
    “Wait. I didn’t say—”
    “Sergeant Matheson?”
    “Yes, sir?”
    “Time to get into position.”
    Tyler saluted the major, took Emily’s elbow and turned her toward the doorway. “This way, ma’am.”
    They were in the gallery and had passed by the first three portraits before she had the presence of mind to wrench her arm free. This wasn’t the first time he’d hauled her around like this. Why did she keep letting him get away with it?
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