Kate looked up to see that Wren was already holding it. “Well done. Okay …” She dictated and Wren laughingly wrote it down.
“Beckham’s always good for inspiration,” she commented.
“Like that’s what Armani was aiming for,” scoffed Kate as she picked up the tray and followed Wren out into the front of the store.
Today’s offering was a lush selection of red velvet cupcakes with white chocolate liqueur frosting, white chocolate curls, and a ripe raspberry nestled into the moist folds of sugar. Wren waited as Kate arranged the cupcakes, and then propped the mini chalkboard on a small easel to stand beside them, proclaiming:
I feel a sin coming on.
Wren looked at the cupcakes and then back at Kate. “Nice one,” she said.
“I thought so,” Kate agreed.
“I don’t know where you went in your head this morning, boss, but what the hell did you put in those cupcakes?”
Kate was in the midst of decorating and looked up in concern. “What, no good?”
Wren snorted.
“Yeah, right, like that’s gonna happen. They’re practically walking out the store. Just tell me those ones there are going to be ready soon.”
“Sure, give me a few minutes,” Kate replied in an absent voice, popping a raspberry into her mouth. She went back to piping on the frosting on the last cupcake, then put the icing bag down on the counter. Popping another raspberry into her mouth, she chewed as she sprinkled the white chocolate curls over the cupcakes, arranging them just so, as she hummed to herself, feeling very content.
She was putting the latest batch of cupcakes in the display cabinet when she heard Wren greet someone and walk out from behind the counter to hug the newcomer. She looked up to see a slim woman laugh and hug Wren with an ease that spoke of a long friendship. Wren took the woman by the hand and hauled her over to the counter.
“Boss, this is Emily, my friend that I’ve been telling you about.”
“Wren, don’t call me boss.” Kate laughed, and reached out to shake Emily’s hand. “Hi, Emily, you’ll have to excuse Wren and me; we have a bit of a routine going.”
“It’s nice to meet you at last,” Emily answered.
Kate assessed her in a glance and liked what she saw. Emily seemed quiet and unassuming, her face was open and honest, her smile reached her eyes, and her mouth looked like it smiled often. Her dark, curly hair framed her face, and she had a warm complexion that was in direct contrast with Wren’s.
“Emily is looking for some part-time work at the moment, and I thought she’d be perfect,” Wren supplied.
“Have you done retail or hospitality before, Emily?” asked Kate.
“Some, but not a lot,” Emily replied. “I’m a quick study, though, and I’ve got a strong work ethic.”
“She’s kept up with me in the past,” added Wren.
“And that’s saying something,” said Kate. “Which is good enough for me. Welcome to the team, Emily. When can you start?”
“Uh,” Emily looked taken aback. “Well, I guess now is as good a time as any.”
“Great,” Kate praised. “Wren will show you the ropes, and I’ll get some paperwork for you to fill out.”
“Okay,” Emily replied, and then gave a small laugh. “That was all really easy.”
“Hey, it’s just synchronicity.” Kate shrugged. “I needed more help, Wren knew you, so it’s all good. Besides,” she added, “any friend of Wren’s is a friend of mine, so I think we’ll make a great team.”
“Not that I want to shoot a job offer in the foot or anything, but are you sure?” Emily ventured. “I mean, I’ve never had a job interview quite like this before.”
“I’ve never really hired anyone before,” Kate replied, then turned to Wren who was about to protest. “You don’t count. You told me you were going to work here and it would be fabulous, so I didn’t have much say in it.” Kate gave Wren an affectionate grin as she glanced at Emily. “She’s also vetted