comes bursting through the front door. It takes her a moment to notice Taylor but when she does, she grows excited and jumps on of her, nearly taking down both girls to the ground when she does so. “Taylor! I’ve been looking all over for you. Where have you been?” Nicole shouts into Taylor’s ear. She is beyond intoxicated and reeks of sex and liquor.
“Looking for me all night? Bullshit! Thanks for ditching out on me, you broad,” Taylor says to Nicole, laughing.
Nicole breaks from the drunken embrace and laughs. She grabs onto Taylor’s shoulders. “You love it. Whatever, let’s go home. I’m wiped and I can’t handle another tequila shot.”
After the phone call with Chad and the bizarre conversation with Chantelle, Taylor is ready to head home. At this point, she needs all of the sleep that she can get. She grabs onto Nicole’s waist to brace her and wraps Nicole’s right arm around her neck. “Alright, let’s get us home.”
The two girls walk across the lawn of the house and make their way back to the dormitories. The once warm spring air has now become far cooler and the wind wisps their hair and chills their skin. It is a refreshing sensation and helps them both to alleviate some of the nauseous affects from the alcohol. Taylor and Nicole both continue walking and realize that this walk might be one of the longest they will ever take together. Both of them intoxicated find humor in even the smallest things on their trek back to the dorms.
“So… how was your night?” Taylor asks Nicole, drunk. “Is this guy a keeper? I can’t remember the last time you hooked up with the same guy twice. I think this means you’re married.”
Taylor stars humming the wedding march song and walks Nicole down the sidewalk as if walking down the aisle. The two girls laugh and Nicole shoves her weight into Taylor. “See, this is the Taylor that I love and remember. It’s good to see you let loose and actually enjoy yourself for once.”
“Yeah, I guess it was a fun night, but Chad called me and he sounded pretty pissed that I was out and not studying. Sometimes I feel like he puts more pressure on me than my parents,” Taylor says to Nicole as the two of them cross the street, arm in arm.
“Dump him! Seriously. Dump him. You had so much fun tonight and that is what college is all about. Maybe you need to spread your wings a bit more,” Nicole demands.
Nicole’s words cause Taylor to think briefly and to consider the thought greatly. The consideration is short lived as Taylor remembers her encounter with Chantelle. “Oh! You’ll never guess who I saw tonight. Freaking. Chantelle. Boudreau!”
“Seriously? She’s a real winner, still going to college parties even though she graduated forever ago”, Nicole says with distain. It is obvious that she doesn’t feel as positive about Chantelle as Taylor does. “What is she doing with her life anyways?”
“More like who is she doing,” Taylor snaps back at Nicole. Taylor knows that she should keep the information a secret but has a hard time hiding things from Nicole.
“What? You got some gossip tonight? Do tell!” Nicole looks towards Taylor as the two girls near their dorm.
The two girls approach the front doors to the building and Taylor stops them before they enter. She looks around her in all directions, making sure that no one is in the near vicinity. She brings Nicole in closer and spills the beans. “The reason why Chantelle got through college with an A+ in every class and a perfect 4.0 grade average, is because she nearly fucked every professor she had!”
After a brief moment of shock, Nicole bursts into laughter. “Well little Miss Perfect isn’t so perfect after all, hey? Wow! That’s hilarious. She’s such a slut.”
Taylor’s mood tanks almost instantly. She idolizes Chantelle and Nicole’s words pierce through the fact that she is not one to model a career around.
“That’s good, Tay. That’s real good.” Nicole