After Class Read Online Free

After Class
Book: After Class Read Online Free
Author: Ella Morris
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Chantelle with a questioning gaze. Chantelle brushes her lips with her thumb and smiles coyly. She meets Taylor’s gaze.
    “What did your friend mean by that?” Taylor asks, puzzled.
    Chantelle takes a moment. Just as she is gathering her thoughts, a young male passerby walks up to her and stuffs a red plastic cup containing beer into her hand.
    “Can’t have any fun without a little booze there, hottie,” he says as he continues on his mission to ensure everyone in the house has a drink. 
    Chantelle immediately dips into the keg beer. It tastes flat but she downs it anyways, more so as a coping mechanism and slight escape from Taylor’s questioning gaze.
    “So, are you going to tell me?” Taylor asks, as she grows more and more curious.
    Chantelle looks around the party for an open sofa or someplace to sit down. She scans the room and notices a patio door open at the back of the kitchen. She grabs Taylor’s hand and leads the way. “C’mon, let’s go someplace a little quiet and I’ll tell you all about it,” Chantelle says to Taylor as they both make their way through the droves of drunk, sweaty, college students.
    Taylor and Chantelle slip out of the house and onto the back porch. There are a few college students outside; some of the students are positioned around a fire in the back corner of the yard while a few others hang around bushes expelling the alcohol-laced contents from their stomachs. Chantelle notices a porch swing unoccupied and dashes towards it, still pulling Taylor behind her like a hesitant dog on a leash.
    Chantelle takes a seat on the swing and Taylor stands before her, unsure if she wants to sit. “Chantelle, what did you do?” Taylor asks before she sits down. She is nervous and afraid of what Chantelle is going to say.
    “Come. Sit down and I’ll tell you all about it.” Chantelle taps the empty seat beside her three times and gestures for Taylor to sit down. She finally gives in and takes a seat.
    She turns towards Taylor. “Back in my first year of college, I was just like you. I was stressed out beyond belief, my parents were riding my ass every day and my relationship was struggling. I felt so much pressure and I didn’t know what to do until I noticed that my Psych prof was acting the same way. He’d come into class frazzled and stressed, just like me. There was a rumor going around that him and his wife were going through a divorce. My grades were slacking hard in his class so I figured I’d make him a deal. I told him I’d scratch his back if he scratched mine, if you catch my drift.”
    Taylor looks stunned at Chantelle. Her jaw hangs wide open and her eyes glazed over in disbelief. “Did you sleep with him?” Her voice is almost a yell.
    “Sssh!!!” Chantelle fires back. She pretty much stuffs her hands over Taylor’s mouth as a way to conceal her.
    “I’m sorry,” Taylor reacts, muffled by Chantelle’s hands. “But seriously, did you?”
    Chantelle shakes her head yes. “I did. I mean it’s not my proudest moment, but once I did it with him, the word spread among the other male staff and before I knew it, I was giving hand jobs all over the place, graduated a year early and with a solid 4.0. My parents were proud, no one ever found out and I was golden.”
    Taylor sits, shocked and speechless. She looks to the red plastic cup in her hand and downs the rest of the contents. It was necessary. She doesn’t know what to say. Her mind is reeling. She thought Chantelle was the perfect student and the news is hitting her hard. “Wow,” Taylor says and that is the only word that she can press through her lips.
    Chantelle looks towards Taylor and puts her hand on her leg. The two lock eyes for a moment. “I know it’s not what you expected but you know how tough college can be and you especially know what I’m talking about when it comes to pressure from your parents. I just had to do what I had to do and even though I regret it, I’m thankful for
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