Take It Read Online Free

Take It
Book: Take It Read Online Free
Author: C. E. Starkweather
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picking me up tonight at six and I don't know what to wear," she rushed out. "Holy shit, my wardrobe is awful. Why didn't I listen to you yesterday and buy some new stuff? Fuck my life."
    Kayla stared at her, wide eyed. "He gave you a rose and asked you out?"
    Brandi smiled. "Yeah. It was in my locker with a note that said "Look behind you." So I did and he was standing there and he asked me out. I'm not even sure what we're doing."
    Kayla scrunched her brow. "How'd he get into your locker?"
    Brandi sighed in frustration. "I don't know. Who cares? What do I wear?"
    Kayla looked up in thought. "That black pencil skirt that makes your ass look amazing. Black boots, your white ruffly tank top, and your black leather jacket. Cute and good for anywhere he takes you."
    Brandi shook her head in amazement. "How do you know my wardrobe better than I do? How is that even possible?" Kayla laughed. "It's a gift. Everyone has that one weird thing they're good at."
    Brandi got a huge plate of fries for her and Kayla to share and sat down. "So I know you said you wanted to meet him," Brandi said between mouthfuls, "but can we just wait until after tonight? I want to make sure everything goes ok first."
    Kayla laughed at Brandi's nervousness. "Relax, Brandi. I don't expect you to parade me over to him and introduce us. But maybe you can just point him out if you see him? Does he have lunch this period?"
    Brandi glanced around. "I don't see him. I'm sure you'll meet him eventually. Do you have to do that project for Mr. Stone? That technology in history thing?"
    Kayla rolled her eyes and nodded. "They're getting desperate for new ideas. Who's your partner?"
    "Eric Kellen. Thankfully, he's smart so we should be able to come up with something good."
    Kayla snorted. "You got paired with Nerd Alert? That sucks."
    "He's not so bad," Brandi defended him. "He's just...nerdy."
    Kayla's face grew into a huge smile and they both burst out laughing.
    "What's so funny?" A voice behind her asked. Kayla looked up and raised her eyebrows. Brandi turned around to see Zack staring down at her with an amused look on his face. "Zack! Hi!" She exclaimed. "Nothing. We were just...discussing a history project."
    Zack laughed. "That does sound hilarious," he joked, sitting next to her. He smiled at Kayla. "I haven't met you yet. I'm Zack."
    "I'm Kayla," she said. "Why haven't I met you before?"
    He shrugged. "I'm not in advanced classes."
    Kayla nodded. "That makes sense then. How old are you?"
    "I'm only 18. I'm not in the dumb classes either."
    Kayla's face turned red. "I didn't mean..."
    Zack broke out in a grin. "I'm kidding. I know that's not what you meant. I just wanted to introduce myself and make sure you didn't forget about me tonight," he said, wrapping his arm around Brandi. Brandi blushed and smiled. "Of course I didn't forget. I'll see you at six."
    Zack kissed her on the head and left. Brandi watched him leave then turned back to Kayla. "So? You approve?"
    "Holy. Shit. You didn't tell me how hot he was. How have I never noticed him before?"
    Brandi giggled. "He is, right? I wonder why he wants to go out with me." Kayla shot her a warning glance, and she shut her mouth.
    Brandi laid her outfit on the bed and sighed in relief. Kayla was a genius. Now she just needed to find something to kill the three hours she had between now and six. She took a long shower and shaved her legs and bikini area. Not that she was giving anything up tonight, but it made her feel more confident when she was clean shaven. She spent the next hour straightening her hair. She knew Zack didn't really like makeup on her, but a little bit of mascara wouldn't make her look too clownish. She brushed a few coats on her lashes and put some clear gloss on her lips. Deeming herself appropriate, she did the small amount of homework that she had. Her phone buzzed and she grabbed it, hoping it was a sweet message from Zack. It was from her mom.
    Working a double. Be home around
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