The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2) Read Online Free

The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2)
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into the waiting room.
        I didn’t know what to say to her. Not because I felt helpless, but because when I looked at her I didn’t see my take charge, solve every problem, mother. I saw, and felt, a woman full of pain and fear. It wasn’t hard to see, heck I wasn’t even trying, the memories of her life together with Dad filling her head. Unlike my memories of the good times with my dad, her’s were of regret. She regretted all the over time she had put in at work when the real estate market was doing well. The many times she brought home takeout instead of cooking. The petty arguments they’ve had. I didn’t see anything that she should feel guilty about, but moms are forever kicking themselves for being human. So I didn’t say anything, I didn’t need to. I just wrapped her in my arms and gave her all my love and support.
        The hug was short lived when Mom pulled back. “Hannah, what are you doing?”
        I know that I’m not the most affectionate person in the world, but I hug my parents all the time. “What are you talking about?”
        “You were giving me your feelings, or trying to make me feel better. It’s hard to explain. It was like I could feel it vibrating off of you, then I felt it.” She could tell by my expression that I hadn’t realized what I had done. “Your empathic gift is evolving.”
        Taking in what she had said, I tried to take stock of my mind and body to see if I could feel a change. That’s when it hit me. “Dad’s okay! He is feeling much better.”
        Within seconds a nurse made an announcement. “Price family to the front desk.”
        “Go, we will wait here.” Daniel said after I had turned to him and Jaycee.
        “Tell him I said he owes me a lobster dinner for giving me worry lines.” Jaycee tried to be typical Jaycee, but I saw the tears that were still swelled up in her eyes.
        I caught up with Mom just in time to walk with her through the double doors leading to the E.R. examining rooms. There were rooms lined all the way down a hallway on both sides, with curtains as the only veil of privacy. There was a large round nurse’s station right in the middle of everything. Men and women dressed in scrubs were going in and out.
        The nurse stopped at the sixth room and pulled back the curtain half way for us to enter. “Mr. Price, you have visitors. I will be back shortly with your discharge papers.”
        “Discharge papers?” Mom went to Dad’s bedside and gave him a long kiss. “Avery, what happened? We were afraid you had a heart attack.”
        “I did have an attack, but it was stress related.” He pushed himself up in the bed. “Hello, Hannah Banana. How’s my girl?”
        “ Kinda bored actually. Just felt my dad having chest pains and thought I was gonna lose him. Ya know, the usual.”
        “You felt me having chest pains?”
        “Yes, by the timing of it all, she felt it right before it happened to you. There was also something that she just did in the waiting room, but we can go over all that later.” Mom added.
        “Premonition? Sounds like your gift is shifting and growing stronger. You got a handle on this, Han?”
        I bent over and hugged my daddy. Something that, for a short period of time, I worried I wouldn’t ever get to do again.
        “I’m good, really. It’s not important right now. What did the doctor say?”
        “That I was working too much, stressing too much, and exercising too little. He was close. The truth is that I have been working with a few patients that are emotional vampires. They unconsciously suck all of your positive energy right out of you. It’s strange really, I have ran into patients like that from time to time before, but never three at once. I knew I was being drained and that I needed to take time to recharge, but I guess I thought I was twenty again and could handle it. I was
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