The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2) Read Online Free Page A

The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2)
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        “So, I have decided to shorten my work week down to four days, just until I am back to one hundred percent. Plus, the doctor wants me to make an appointment with my family doctor to keep an eye on my blood pressure. Other than that, I’m good to go.”
        Mom brushed his hair back, and kissed his forehead. “After I’m sure you are back to normal, I am going to think of ways to punish you for scaring me.”
        Dad took her hand, kissed it and wiggled his eyebrows. “Can I give you some suggestions?”
        Eww, that’s just gross.
        “So, Mom freaked out when I hugged her. She said I was giving her my feelings, my emotions. That’s when she said my gift was evolving.”
         We had brought Dad home and tucked him into bed. While Mom was in the kitchen making him something to eat, I sat with him and was updating him on the new things I have been experiencing with my gift.
        “She’s right. One of your gifts is the ability to see into someone’s thoughts and feelings. I would think that it would be a natural progression to be able to send yours back to them. This is new to all of us, kid. Here,” he held out his arm, “try to send something to me.”
        I tried to think of something happy so I could send him good thoughts and feelings, hoping that maybe I could mask my true feelings that still lingered from today. I finally decided on being truthful. I laid my hand on his arm and just let everything I felt from today filter through to my dad.
        Dad just sat there, staring at the blanket that was tucked around him, until I was finished. 
         “I put you and your mom through hell today. I’m sorry, Hannah Banana, I will take better care of myself. It’s kind of cool to know, and be able to feel, how much you love and care about me. At sixteen, I figured you would be well on your way to hating your mom and me.”
        “I couldn’t hate you guys. Who would put gas in my car?”
        “That’s my girl.” He laughed and held out his arms. “Love you.”
        “To the moon.” I said as I hugged him.
        “So, school was pretty bad today too, huh?”
        “I didn’t know I gave that to you too.”
        “What’s up with Megan?”
        “Oh, Dad, that’s a long story. I’m not even sure I know what’s going on.”
        “Hannah, are you making sure he is resting?” Mom asked as she walked into the room carrying a tray of food for Dad.
        “I’m trying, but you know what they say about doctors sucking at being patients. Even if he’s not a real doctor.”
        “Hey! That hurt. No gas money for you.”
        ‘I didn’t mean it. Shrinks can be doctors.” I laughed and kissed them both. “Good night, love you guys.”  
        I had planned on taking a shower but once I got into my room I changed my mind and laid across my bed. I couldn’t shake the feeling that Dad having those ‘vampire’ patients draining him had something to do with the dreams that were haunting Daniel’s, Jaycee’s and my dreams. Wasn’t that a form of draining? I mean Jaycee even said that she woke up drained.
        I rolled over and grabbed my diary off my nightstand, I wanted to get everything written down. There’s a connection somehow, and I’m gonna find out just what it is.
        I was determined to make today a great day. I was off to a good start by waking up before my alarm clock went off. I took great satisfaction in smugly turning it off when it started beeping after I had already taken a shower. I wanted to make sure everything goes smoothly today for Jaycee. We talked last night and decided that we needed to get ahead of whatever this thing is that’s messing with us and start being proactive. So, instead of this weekend, we are going after school today to see Jaycee’s Aunt Lucy. She is the sister of Jaycee’s mom’s mom. Confusing I
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