The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2) Read Online Free Page B

The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2)
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       I put on a pair of black jeggings with a red sweater, finished my makeup, left my hair loose and was ready to walk out the door twenty minutes earlier than usual. After giving myself a once over in the mirror, I got my books and my purse and headed for the door. Taking a detour, I tiptoed into Mom and Dad’s room just to watch my dad’s chest rise and fall. He really gave me a scare yesterday. I will not let my parents get drug into this supernatural chess match. Hey! That was a metaphor, see I listen in school.
        I lucked up and found a parking spot right beside Daniel’s. He was leaning against the trunk of his car. Waiting on me I hope. Just look at him. Six feet something tall, black hair that he keeps just long enough to look a little dangerous, but not too long to look hippish, and those dimples that could melt icebergs. Plus the extra bonus of the natural tan, thanks to being half Cherokee Indian, all added up to be the hottest guy I have ever seen. I must admit that his looks caught my attention, but it was his heart that I fell in love with. Really, I’m serious, no lie.  
        “Hello gorgeous.” Daniel opened my car door and gave me a PG-13 greeting. I’m no expert on kissing, but I think he is great at it.
        “If you said hello like that every morning I wouldn’t be so sad to tell you good night.” I hooked my arm into Daniel’s and let him lead us through the double doors.
        “How’s your dad?”
         “He was asleep when I left, but he is doing good. Are you still going to be able to go with Jaycee and me today?”
        “Yeah, I switched schedules with another volunteer at the shelter. You really should go with me one day. I know you would enjoy it.” Daniel wants to be a veterinarian, and volunteering at the shelter will look good on his college application. But that’s not why he does it, he really loves animals. His supernatural ability to communicate with them makes it a natural career choice. I tell him all the time that he is going to be a real life Dr. Doolittle.
        “I will go with you one day soon. I promise.”   
        It took us awhile to get to our lockers, since we got to school earlier than usual, we took time catching up with a few classmates along the way.
        “Hey you two, you’re early.” Phoebe beamed at us. She was leaning against the locker talking with Kayla.
        “Hey, you are too. And can I just say that you look great, what’s the occasion?”
        Phebs was wearing a skin tight white sweater dress with gray trim, matching the gray leggings and dark gray suede boots. Her straight, jet black hair and green eyes always had her standing out, but today it was more than usual.
        “Thank you darling.” Trying to act like a model, she flipped her hair back and placed her hands on her hips, then proceeded to laugh. “I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and told myself to get over it. It’s been almost three months since that ass...well ya know, and it’s time to move on. So I am officially on the prowl.”
        Kayla, who’s always ready to be encouraging, spoke up. “You go girl. These guys don’t stand a chance.”
        You go girl is not a phrase that Kayla can pull of, bless her heart, but she tries.
        “So, Daniel, if you can think of any hot single guys, hook a sister up.”
        Phebs does it so much better than Kayla.
        “I will definitely keep my eyes open. Kayla, where’s Jacob?”
        “He’s back there with Luke going over homework.” Kayla pointed toward the end of the hallway.
        Daniel leaned over and kissed my cheek. “I’ll meet you in class. I need to be around guys and talk guy stuff before I start producing estrogen.”
        “Wait up, I’m going with you.” It was Mike. We turned around to watch him and Jaycee walk down the hall toward us.
        Jaycee waited until Mike and Daniel was out of
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