The Man with the Iron Badge Read Online Free

The Man with the Iron Badge
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his pie with his fork and said, “Especially the way you live.”

    â€œYou didn’t see any fear in me with those three yahoos in the saloon, did you?”
    â€œNo, I didn’t,” Clint said. “I should have, but I didn’t. You would have stood there and drawn down on the three of them.”
    â€œYes, I would have. And I’d have killed them.”
    â€œWithout taking a bullet yourself?” Clint asked.
    â€œI think so.”
    â€œEat your pie.”
    â€œWill you come with me?”
    â€œI’ve got to think about it, Dan.”
    â€œYou are afraid,” Starkweather said.
    â€œIf that’s what you want to believe, then I can’t stop you,” Clint said.
    â€œWe can go outside and I can show you how good I am,” the sheriff said.
    â€œHow? You going to shoot at some bottles? Some targets?”
    â€œHow about we face each other?” Starkweather asked. “If I outdraw you, you come with me.”
    â€œAnd if I outdraw you?”
    Starkweather shrugged. “Then I’ll go alone.”
    â€œI’ve got a better idea,” Clint said. “That is, if you’re really sure about your ability.”
    Starkweather looked suspicious. “What have you got in mind?”
    â€œWe face off,” Clint said. “Like you said, if you beat me, I go along.”
    â€œAnd if you beat me?”
    â€œYou forget the whole thing and go back East, where you belong.”
    â€œI don’t belong back there!” Starkweather snapped.
    â€œOkay, okay,” Clint said, aware that he’d hit a nerve. “So you stay here in the West, but you still forget about bringing your father in.”
    â€œI can’t do that.”
    â€œWhy not?”
    â€œI can’t let him get away with what he did.”
    â€œBut if you’re so sure you can beat me, where’s the risk?”
    â€œThere’s always a risk,” Starkweather said.
    â€œSo you don’t think you can beat me.”
    â€œI think I can,” Starkweather said, “but I don’t know for sure.”
    â€œYou can never know anything for sure, kid, until you try,” Clint said.
    â€œCome on,” Starkweather said. “Do it my way.”
    â€œI don’t like to draw my gun on a man unless I aim to kill him,” Clint said.
    Starkweather ignored his pie and chewed on his lips, instead. “Okay.”
    â€œOkay you’ll do it my way?” Clint asked.
    â€œNo,” Starkweather said, “but I’ll do it for real.”
    â€œYou and me, in the street,” Starkweather said. “No contest. For real.”
    â€œYou’d risk killing me—or being killed—to make your point?” Clint asked.
    â€œBut you won’t risk . . .” What should he call it? “ . . . your quest?”
    â€œBut if I kill you, your father goes scot-free.”
    Suddenly, Starkweather looked confused.
    â€œSon,” Clint said, pushing his chair back, “you better give this a lot of thought before you go any further. I don’t think you’re thinking straight.”
    â€œFinish your pie and coffee,” Clint said. I’ll pay the check on my way out. If you want to talk some more, I’ll be in the saloon later on. Right now I’ve got to try to make amends to a lady.”
    â€œBut Clint—”
    Clint walked away without another word and left the restaurant.
    â€œYou bastard!” Laurie said when he walked into his room. “You ate something.”
    â€œI did,” he said, “but I’m here to make it up to you. Come on, I’ll take you for something to eat.”
    â€œI am dressed,” she said, “and I’m not ready to forgive you, so you can stay here while I go get something to eat.”
    She stormed to the door, then turned and said, “I better not find
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