jerking as if he’s imagining tracing my lips. Maybe it’s the wanting I see in him that makes me feel numb. Maybe it’s the rage hiding just beneath his want that makes me feel again.
He takes a step toward me and I hold my breath.
Just as quickly, he turns his back, his voice booming over the sound of my pounding heartbeat.
“Get her out. She’s fired.”
I don’t know how to feel.
I’m standing outside the office by the receptionist’s desk. She’s pretending to type, but her fingers are hitting more air than keys. We keep making awkward eye contact, so I finally turn my back. I’m still rocked to the core, completely blindsided by what just happened.
Brent Masters has criminal ties, and I can identify him. I am a witness. He’s probably regretting not killing me when he had the chance. Although I didn’t get that vibe from him then, or today. But it doesn’t mean he can’t slay me in other ways.
For one, I appear to be newly unemployed.
Donetta and Mr. Masters are arguing inside, and I’m both impressed that she has the clout (or balls) to talk back to him, and embarrassed that I can hear every negative thing he says.
“Someone who looks like that cannot be qualified.”
“She’s the most qualified applicant that we had! Not to mention, her work history included some heavy duty investigative account work—”
“She’s too young. What is she, twenty-one?”
“Did you miss the part where she saved your company two million dollars? Should I repeat it?”
He starts to protest again, and she talks over him, repeating two million dollars and all I can think is that he’s going to fire her next. The verbal battle continues and he doesn’t fire her. Nor does he back down.
“… aced the training. She’s smart as hell and impressed the stockholders. I don’t understand this, Mr. Masters.”
“It’s not your place to understand.”
I dare a look behind me at the receptionist as a hush falls over the space. It seems he’s topped her with those six words. I strain to hear more, but there is nothing. There was never anything to say. I know what this was about. I know why I’m fired.
That one damn night.
And that kiss.
My life was supposed to change after that final delivery, and it had. It had! I worked my ass off to be where I am right now, and I can’t believe this is happening. To get this far, only to be shot down by the last person I expected to see again.
My bewilderment is slowly being edged out by disbelief and anger.
Donetta comes out, a grim set to her lips. She spares me a glance, and then looks to the floor and runs her palms down her hips. When she looks at me again, her expression is both apologetic and furious, and I know Masters won’t budge.
I’m screwed.
“He’s such a dick,” she hisses under her breath. “I’m so sorry, Erica.”
She grips my shoulder and I believe that she’s genuinely sorry. It warms me a little. I’ve had a serious lack of genuine people in my life. It’s been too filled with people like Masters, throwing power around to stomp on little people like me. And for what? For doing my job all those years ago?
“You’re the absolute best person for this job. I’m going to keep working on him. I don’t want to let you go.”
Our eyes meet and I’m surprised to feel a sting behind mine. An hour ago, I was thanking my good fortune while sipping wine and gossiping with a true friend. Now … I’m back to being nothing.
“Thank you for trying,” I respond dryly.
She shakes her head. “No, it’s not right. This isn’t right.” Her voice trails off and she takes a big breath. “It’s just … he gets like this sometimes.”
“I understand.” I don’t. Not really.
“I think it’s his blood sugar,” she blurts. “I’m sorry—”
I touch her hand and lightly shake my head. I’m going to actually miss her, I realize. “We both know it’s not blood sugar.”
I give a hushed laugh, but there’s no humor in it. If