out a squad of heavily armed guards (that's thirteen bowmen in
Diamond Armor) to the Portal, that's right, I said the Portal! It's
location has been a heavily guarded secret ever since Steve
returned from the Overworld, but I guess it makes sense that it is
in the Survival Room. Apparently it has been locked open and that
is why the gravity in the Survival Room is the same as the
But get this, the guards never returned. The
Captain sent a full platoon (that's three squads or thirty three
soldiers!) on horseback to find them but they were gone. They found
a few Bows and Swords lying around the Portal so they are presumed
Every available Avatar has been ordered to
the Survival Room to help secure the Portal from attack. We have
been told to bring all the equipment we had previously made in
Crafting School plus all the potions from Mr Larrson's class. We
have all just been drafted into the Minecraftia Defense Forces and
assigned active duty.
I have been sooooo busy. Join the Army they
say, travel the world, have great adventures, yeah right. All of
the noobs have just spent the last four days building accommodation
blocks and fortifications around the portal. Man, I know I'm only a
noob and have not yet finished my training but I did not think that
would be all I would get to do.
Ok, that's enough moaning from me, here's
what happened. We all met up at the Survival Room and were
immediately spilt into ten groups of twelve noobs. We were then
assigned a Corporal, that's is a real soldier, who is in charge of
our group. Our Corporal's name is Henckman but he said we can just
call him SIR. Yes, the capitals are needed as every time he speaks
he shouts!
Anyway, we spawned in Squads straight into
the Survival Room but instead of landing in the clearing like
normal we spawned right next to the Portal. There are no words to
describe it, so all I can say is
Mr Mayer met us at the Portal and informed us
that for the duration of the disturbances we were now under the
command of the Captain, BUT, whenever there was time we would
continue our lessons. No excuses - DO WE UNDERSTAND?
Yes sir. What is it with all the shouting
today? He went on to explain that our duties would be building
fortifications and accommodation blocks for the incoming troops.
Man, this sounds serious. Oh, and when we are no longer in a class
room situation we are to refer to him as Colonel Mayer -
Yes sir - way cool, Colonel Mayer, that's
like really senior or something.
The Captain set us to work the moment Colonel
Mayer finished with us. Our job was to mine for cobblestone, *yawn* but without building materials no
one could construct anything.
All day - that's how long we worked, I must
have mined 10,000 Cobblestone blocks today, oh ok, maybe not that
many but is certainly feels like it. Any usable Ore's were stored
in a huge warehouse erected at the mine's entrance, everything else
was sent to the camp by rail cart.
The first of the accommodation blocks had
been built by the time we finished mining and we are all staying
here tonight. No one is aloud to leave their block after sunset,
anyone who disobeys orders will answer to the Captain for military
punishment. *gulp*
What already? I forgot that the moment you
lay down on your bed in the Survival Room you wake to a new day.
Really messes with your head but at least I feel refreshed.
This morning we are on defense building
duties. That has got to be better than mining.
Nope, I was totally wrong. Mining was much
more fun than building defenses. All we did was stack Cobblestone
blocks all morning. Twelve blocks deep by twenty blocks high,
surrounding the whole camp. I don't know what they expect but it
will never get through these walls!
Yes, this afternoon was so much fun, we went
back to school. Mr Larrson, or should I say Major Larrson, started
our Enchantments class today and we have been given the task of
making and enchanting Weapons and Armor