over puking.
Man, so very, very wrong. I caught Major Larrson's eye and he
walked over to me.
"Everything ok here Jeb?"
"Yes Major," I replied, 'it's just that it
seems wrong to slaughter so many cows."
"Really? This is the only way to get Leather,
and without Leather there are no Books, without Books there are no
higher level enchantments, do you understand Jeb?"
"Yes Major."
"Good, now apart from a little nauseated, how
do you feel?"
I was about to say disgusted when I realized
I felt incredible, totally pumped and it was then that it hit me. I
had been gaining XP points with every Cow killed. Duh, that's why
we had to do it ourselves, without the XP we could not enchant. I
looked up at Major Larrson and he just laughed, slapped me on my
back and said, "I can tell by the look on your face that you feel
incredible and it has finally sunk into your block head that the XP
points are increasing your Experience Level - Feels great doesn't
Man, that was an understatement, I suddenly
felt like Superman. I could hardly reply, I had a grin a mile wide
stuck to my face. Laughing again Major Larrson ushered me back
towards the Cows. "Go on Jeb, get some more Leather and XP, it is
the way it is done here so you may as well enjoy it."
At this point I need to apologize to any
vegetarians because I dashed back into the enclosure and started
slaughtering Cows like it was going out of fashion, and yes, I
really enjoyed it. I realized that you can't attribute Minecraftia
values to the Overworld. They are different worlds and should be
treated accordingly.
When all the cows were butchered, yeah for
some reason that sounds better than slaughtered, we gathered up all
the Meat and stacked it in chests in the supply room, that should
be enough to feed the troops for days. We then gathered the Leather
and took it back to the class room.
"Ok everyone, count your Leather pieces, you
need 45 per group, if you have more than you need pass it on to
another group."
We counted up our Leather and found we had
collected 62 pieces. Man, I guess we all got into Cow butchering in
a big way. We passed the excess over to Pippa's group, seems she
doesn't mind killing Zombies but cute cows were another thing
"Ok people, we now need Paper and Wooden
Planks. Right, place your Leather in the Chest assigned to your
group and follow me." We then all marched off to the other side of
the farm where a huge Sugar Cane field had been planted.
"Ok everyone, listen up, you need to harvest
135 Sugar Cane per group. Only cut the top two blocks and leave the
bottom block intact, that way the Sugar Cane will continue to grow
without re-planting. Ok, get to it and meet back here when you are
We all dashed into the Sugar Cane plantation
and hacked away, gathering the Sugar Cane into our inventories as
it fell. After we had all we needed we headed back to Major
Larrson, who had moved over to a small Wood.
"The final task is to gather some Wood to
make 90 Wooden Planks per group, so cut 23 Wooden Blocks each. Come
on people, move it, move it, we don't have all day!"
We dashed into the woods and made short work
of gathering the Wooden Chunks then headed back to the class, ready
at last to make our enchanting rooms.
I am exhausted. I enchanted twenty swords
today, yep twenty. All that XP I built up is gone but hopefully it
has gone to a good cause. Seems like we still have a Zombie problem
as Major Larrson had us all enchant Diamond Swords with the Smite
enchantment, that's the one that causes extra damage to undead
mobs. The best enchantment I cast was a Level IV, which I thought
was pretty cool until Numbers swaggered up with a Level V
enchantment. Yeah Numbers, you rock, now push off and let me bask
in my Level IV for a few more minutes.
Spent the day mining again, loads of hard
work but some good laughs as well. The other half of the class were
using the Ore we mined to finish the Portal defenses. Sounds like
it's just