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Baby Bonanza
Book: Baby Bonanza Read Online Free
Author: Maureen Child
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discovering she was pregnant and then the birth of the twins. In twenty hand-decorated pages, she’d brought him up to speed on the last year and a half of her life.
    Up to speed on his sons. The children he’d created and had never met.
    The only reason she was here, visiting a man who’d shattered her heart without a backward glance.
    When he was finished, his gaze lifted to hers and she could have sworn she saw icicles in his eyes.
    “I’m supposed to believe that I’m the father of your babies?”
    “Take another look at them, Nick. They both look just like you.”
    He did, but his features remained twisted into a cynical expression even while his eyes flashed with banked emotion. “Lots of people have black hair and blue eyes.”
    “Not all of them have dimples in their left cheek.” She reached out, flipped to a specific page and pointed. “Both of your sons do. Just like yours.”
    He ran one finger over the picture of the boys as if he could somehow touch them with the motion, and that small action touched something in Jenna. For one brief instant, Nick Falco looked almost…vulnerable.
    It didn’t last long, though. His mouth worked as if he were trying to bite back words fighting desperately to get out. Finally, as if coming to some inner decision, he nodded, blew out a breath and said, “For the sake of argument, let’s say they are mine.”
    “They are.”
    “So why didn’t you tell me before? Why the hell would you wait until they’re, what…?”
    “Four months old.”
    He looked at the pictures again, closed the book and held on to it in one tight fist. “Four months old and you didn’t think I should know?”
    So much for the tiny kernel of warmth she’d almost experienced.
    “You’re amazing. You ignore me for months and now you’re upset that I didn’t contact you?”
    “What’re you talking about?”
    Jenna shook her head and silently thanked heaven that she’d been smart enough to not only keep a log of every e-mail she’d ever sent him, but had thought to print them all out and bring them along. Dipping back into the suitcase, she whipped a thick manila envelope out and laid it atop the scrapbook he was still holding. “There. E-mails. Every one I sent you. They’re all dated. You can see that I sent one at least once a week. Sometimes twice. I’ve been trying to get hold of you for more than a year, Nick.”
    He opened the envelope as she talked, and flipped quickly through the printouts.
    “I—” He frowned down at the stack of papers.
    She took advantage of his momentary speechlessness. “I’ve been trying to reach you since I first found out I was pregnant, Nick.”
    “How was I supposed to know that this is what you were trying to tell me?”
    “You might have read one or two of them,” Jenna pointed out and managed to hide the hurt in her voice.
    He scowled at her. “How the hell could I have guessed you were trying to tell me I was a father? I just thought you were after money.”
    She hissed in a breath as the insult of that slapped at her. Bubbling with fury, Jenna really had to fight the urge to give him a swift kick. How like Nick to assume that any woman who was with him was only in it for what she could get from him. But then, he’d spent most of the past ten years surrounding himself with the very users he’d suspected her of being. People who wanted to be seen with him because he was one of the world’s most eligible billionaires. Those hangers-on wanted to be in his inner circle because that’s where the excitement was and it made them feel important, to be a part of Nick’s world.
    All Jenna had wanted was his arms around her. His kiss. His whispers in the middle of the night. Naturally, he hadn’t believed her.
    Now things were different. He had responsibilities that she was here to see he stood up to. After all, she hadn’t come here for herself. She’d come for her kids. For his sons.
    “I wasn’t interested in your money back then,
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