Blood Lily (Lilith Adams Vampire Series Book 1) Read Online Free

Blood Lily (Lilith Adams Vampire Series Book 1)
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air. This wasn’t just her hyperactive imagination.
    The flood of genuine worry pushed her forward down the alley. She still had her finger poised over a bottle of pepper spray, but she strode past the dumpsters with purpose. There were a few sounds of scuttling feet, too tiny to be anything larger than a cat. The tip of her dark green heels hit the cone of light from the bulb and immediately she felt better. Funny how a little light can scare away the bad men. At least in theory. Technically, it just made you easier to see, easier to find, but it was still a universal comfort against evil thanks to the cathedral architects of the early renaissance. Oh yeah, her internal monologue was definitely rambling.
    The terrifying sound of metal scratching metal sounded just a little farther down the alley and she jumped whirling around. It felt like her heart leapt right into throat and pounded loudly in her ears. The air smelled like death and decay, though that could have been the dumpsters. Deep down, she didn’t believe that.
    Lilith turned back to the door and knocked as loud as she could. She bounced impatiently and kept looking around her as the metal screech sounded again along with a very faint wet gargling sound. “Come on. Come on. Come on.” She whispered under her breath feeling completely terrified. She tried as hard as she could to banish the thoughts of a million different horror movie villains as her whole body trembled with the desire to run. Her pulse quickened with every passing second as her chest became painfully tight. Just as she was about to run for the street in sheer panic, the door swung open enough to let her into the bright kitchen and closed quickly behind her. Lilith scrambled in so fast that she bumped right into a six foot three wall of lean muscle. Even in her heels, she had to look up as Chance flipped the locks.
    His laugh was warm, deeper than Alvarez’s, as he caught her by the arms to steady her. Unlike most men his height, he wasn’t overly muscular or lanky. Chance was all lean muscle, just slightly bigger than the ideal swimmer’s body, with the agility and ease in his own skin that would make most people jealous. Years of martial arts training gave him fluid movements that made him seem light for his tall, lean frame. His medium brown hair with hints of auburn was tousled in a casual style that might have looked sloppy on anyone else. A very large part of her felt completely annoyed with the whole attractive package.
    “Whoa, Beautiful. Someone chasing you?” His hazel brown eyes were flecked with green and they glinted with his magnetic smile. That smile would melt any woman and Chance not only knew but definitely used it. The smile faltered as soon as he truly looked at her. “You’re pale as a ghost. Are you okay?” There was a strong undercurrent of concern in his voice. When she didn’t answer, he looked her over carefully, his hazel eyes narrowing and focusing on her frightened face. “Lily?”
    Lilith pushed away from him with a frown. Come on, get it together Lilith. “Uh…Yes.” Yeah it didn’t sound convincing to her either. When in doubt, resort to anger. After all, it’s an easy transition from fear to anger. “Could you guys have picked a worse place? Really not kidding with the cloak and dagger bit are you? I think there’s someone sharpening their machete at the end of that alley.”
    His smile actually brightened for a minute and then eased into a more serious look as he leaned back against a counter with all the agile grace of a jungle cat. “Hello, Chance. Nice to see you? How have you been? Thank you for saving me from the machete wielding madman. You’re my hero.” A sarcastic smile spread across his lips which only earned him a deep frown.
    “Everyone’s in a cute mood tonight it seems. What the hell is… ?”
    Chance held up a hand to stop her. “I don’t know why Gregor wanted to meet here and I have no idea what it’s about. He just said
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