Broken Read Online Free Page A

Book: Broken Read Online Free
Author: Erin R Flynn
Tags: paranormal romance
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window before taking a long drink. He blinked at me when he was done, realizing what he’d just said. “Fish out of water is a pretty accurate way to put it.”
    “You make it sound like you guys were born into a cult or something you broke away from.” Okay, I knew I said I wasn’t prying, but after a hint like that, I dying to know at least that.
    Aspen bobbed his head back and forth, considering that one. “Nothing like the religious undertones of a cult, but the same amount of crazy and rules. More high society, old money expectations, ways of thinking and conformity. Anyways, we wouldn’t be acclimating as smoothly as we are without you, Cara. I hope you seriously understand how appreciative of that we are.”
    “You guys have helped me too,” I reminded him with a wink. “I can’t believe Teak washed, vacuumed out, and hand waxed my car.” That one had shocked the crap out of me. He’d come asking if I had stuff to wash their cars and a Shop-Vac, and the next thing I knew, he was asking for my keys as well. “I swear it’s never looked so pretty.”
    “Whatever we can do to help. It’s amazing how much you handle all on your own. We really don’t know how you do it.” His eyes filled fascination, and I didn’t have the heart to remind him it wasn’t like I’d built the last NASA shuttle with my bare hands and hammer.
    “It’s a lot of juggling,” I admitted, shrugging again. “But I drop a ball here and there. You just pick it back up when you can and move on.” I glanced at the clock and realized it was time to start thinking about dinner. “Well anything you guys need, I’m here and you have my number now, so you don’t have to run over here and knock on the door. I really don’t mind.”
    “We like seeing you though,” he murmured, stepping closer. “And be careful at that offer, Cara.”
    “What do you mean?” I raised an eyebrow. He really was such a flirt.
    “ Anything we need?”
    I let out a snicker, pushing at his chest. “Don’t start, you goof. Teasing me won’t get me to do your laundry. I don’t do windows, toilets, or floors either. You guys are on your own for that stuff.”
    He threw back his head and laughed, his eyes shining when he looked back at me. “We’ve got the laundry thing covered. Cypress apparently has a knack for it. He likes it done a certain way.”
    “As any true adult does.” I took a step towards the door and that was all it took for Aspen to get the hint it was time to go. That was the other reason I had no problem helping them or having them stop over. They never just plopped down and wouldn’t leave, overstayed their welcome, or imposed in anyway.
    “Well if you need anything, let us know too,” Aspen offered as he jogged down the stairs. I gave him a nod and smiled at his little wave before he ducked out my front door, not being able to shake that weird feeling again I’d been having the past couple of days. That insane one that made me seriously wonder that my made up worlds in my books and my reality were comingling and maybe something was wrong in my head.
    That one that they were already helping me when I wasn’t looking. Insane, right? It was that or I had little elves racing around my house taking care of chores when I wasn’t looking.
    Or I had early onset Alzheimer’s at thirty . I’d never heard of anyone getting it before their mid-forties but then again, things could happen. Bad things. And I did have a history of Alzheimer’s in my family. The pieces didn’t add up for that though.
    I could forget changing the lightbulbs out on the front porch. And sure, the guys could have done that and maybe not have told me. But it disappearing from my to-do list? Okay, the other option was they changed it out and I thought I wrote it down but I really hadn’t. I acknowledged that.
    That was not the only change around my house though. Oh no. I would have let one thing like that slide as being busy and everyone can forget
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