Pleasure for Pleasure Read Online Free

Pleasure for Pleasure
Book: Pleasure for Pleasure Read Online Free
Author: Jamie Sobrato
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I’m doing wrong in the bedroom and fix it.”
    A little strangled sound escaped her throat. She covered her mouth with one hand and produced a fake cough, then another, and another.
    It was time to make his offer clear. “You give me two months of sex lessons, and I’ll call us even on the back rent payments.”

    J OSIE HEARD HERSELF sputtering, then snapped her mouth shut until she could think clearly enough to form words. Could Trent O’Reilly, the most wanted stud in their high school graduating class, really be sitting in front of her asking her to teach him how to please a woman?
    She looked up into his blue eyes, which always held a spark of mischief, only to find him gazing back at her completely earnest. His trademark smirk was gone, too. Trent, with his raven hair cut stylishly short and his outdoorsman tan, his five o’clock shadow and his lean athlete’s body, sat in front of Josie reminding her of her every teenage fantasy—most of her adult ones, too. But she’d never imagined him asking for this.
    Josie had learned in her work that anything was possible. And it was true that some attractive men tended not to work very hard in the bedroom, figuring it was enough for a woman just to be in bed with the likes of them. Maybe Trent was an honest enough guy to admit the error of his ways, but still…
    â€œI can’t give you private sex lessons!” she screeched when she’d found the power to speak again.
    â€œSure you can. Do a bang-up job and I won’t even make you pay for the dent on my car.”
    â€œYou want sex lessons. As in, me having sex with you? ”
    Just spelling out his request was enough to make her dizzy with desire. And the fact that Trent had only grown more gorgeous in the past three years didn’t help matters. The anxiety of her predicament battled with a warm fuzzy feeling between her legs to influence her decision-making abilities.
    â€œI doubt I could learn much just sitting across the room from you.”
    â€œI don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean, considering our history—”
    The image of Trent in her rearview mirror at Ocean Beach three years ago flashed into Josie’s mind. She’d just tossed his shirt and pants out the car window for him; his face registering only disbelief, not anger, as she’d driven off.
    â€œIt’s the perfect solution,” he said.
    â€œThere is the matter of the bad feelings between us. Do you really think you’d get anything out of these…these…lessons? From me?”
    â€œOh, yeah. I’ll get quite a bit out of them.”
    â€œI’m sorry, but I can’t help you with your problem. You’ll have to think of some other way for me to repay you.”
    â€œYou’re sure about that?”
    Trent shook his head and stood up. “I’m sorry we couldn’t work out a deal. I’ll expect your full two months back rent payment on Monday.”
    Panic seized Josie’s chest. “I’ve already told you I can’t pay that soon.”
    â€œHave you read the terms of your lease?”
    â€œNo,” she lied.
    â€œThe lease says I have the right to evict you if one month’s rent goes thirty days past due.”
    â€œBut…” But what? She owed him thousands of dollars and she didn’t have a clue how she was going to pay up.
    â€œHave a nice day, Josie.”
    She watched him exit the office, realizing exactly how in need of sex she was when the sight of his firm jeans-clad rear end temporarily erased her worries.
    Josie sat at the desk in a daze, afraid to leave the office until she was absolutely sure Trent had left the building. How had her life come to this? A few short months ago she’d been living a perfectly normal existence in Boston. She’d had a secure job as a marriage counselor, and it had been the future she’d always envisioned for
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