James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2) Read Online Free

James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2)
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Rachel, but she didn’t look back up as she was busy sorting through another file. James made his way back to the classroom and took his seat again. The rest of the candidates were busy talking, but James ignored them all anyway. He couldn’t get past the fact they were only interested in his parents. They had nothing to do with him. In fact, his mother was never involved. He wasn’t even sure who she was. One by one, each of the candidates took their turns. James just sat in silence the whole time.
    Finally, the last candidate returned. John stood up from the desk in the front of the room that he had made his station. He had been writing notes the entire time as he watched the candidates interact.
    “Okay, you may all report to your dormitories. You each received a letter showing your assignment prior to your arrival. Please move there now. Each of your belongings have already been taken there. You are dismissed.”
                  James got up with the rest of the candidates and made his way to dormitory 7B. He watched the rest of the group as they moved out of the classroom and quickly found out he would be stuck with Elliot, along with two other men in their dormitory room.
    “Top bunk,” Elliot said with a laugh and he pulled himself up to the top of the first set of bunk beds in the room and laid down on the green comforter that covered the bed.
    James walked in behind him. He was the last one in the room, the other bunk bed set had already been taken.
    “Looks like you get bottom,” Elliot said with a laugh, looking down at James.
    “I guess so,” James said calmly as he picked up his bag from next to the doorway and placed it on the bottom bunk.
    “Enjoy being on bottom,” Elliot chuckled.
    “Is that really the level of maturity you are going to fill this room with?” the other roommate said sitting on the other top bunk. He was a tall man with light brown hair. He jumped down from the top bunk and extended his hand to James, “I’m Tim and this here is Greg,” Tim said, pointing to the African American man sitting at the wooden desk next to the beds.
    “Hey man,” Greg said as he stood up and walked over to shake James’s hand. James smiled. Tim and Greg seemed like nice guys to him, maybe having roommates wouldn’t be so bad after all, he thought to himself.
    “So, where are you from?” Tim asked, climbing back up to his bed.
    “I grew up in Boston, but am originally from just outside of D.C.,” James answered, sitting down on his bunk.
    “Cool. I’m from the Midwest. St Louis to be more exact, so you better keep your Red Socks fan status under wraps,” Tim said with a laugh.
    “I don’t follow sports so you need not worry about that,” James said with a chuckle.
    “No sports for you?” Greg was puzzled. “If it’s on, I am watching.” He added with a laugh. When he spoke, Greg had a sweet southern accent. It was familiar to James as it was one of the few strong memories he had of his father, his voice.
    James smiled, “No, my uncle was a book man so I read a lot, but never got into sports.”
    Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. James instantly stood up and walked to the door.
    “Get the door, honey,” Elliot yelled to James.
    James ignored him and walked over to the door and opened it. There stood a brunette with long hair pushing a large cart. “Your dinner,” she said, handing four covered trays to James.
    “We eat in our room?” James asked, confused.
    “Yes,” she said, as she looked away and continued down the hallway with the cart.
    James turned to face his roommates, “So we are in prison or something?” he asked with a laugh.
    They all chuckled.
    “Hey, at least they are feeding us,” Tim laughed too.
    James handed each of them a tray and sat back down on his bed. He was starting to really enjoy making friends for once. It seemed like these guys, well at least Greg and Tim, were pretty cool. They completed their meals and upon realizing that
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