Good Lord, Deliver Us Read Online Free

Good Lord, Deliver Us
Book: Good Lord, Deliver Us Read Online Free
Author: John Stockmyer
Tags: detective, Mystery, kansas city, hardboiied
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a small
face. Prominent Adam's apple. Absolutely even teeth. (Z had always
found it difficult to trust people with perfectly straightened
    Dressed for success, the dark suit of
Dr. "Sweet-Cheeks" was a perfect contrast to Z's off-the-rack duds
-- the vice chancellor's clothing expensively molded to his small
body, the administrator's tie tastefully striped. "I've been
expecting you. Punctuality. I appreciate that. Shows you're my kind
of person."
    Motioning Z in, the vice chancellor
stood, leaned over the out-sized, extra-shiny, desk and brushed Z's
    Settling back, he directed Z to an
overstuffed, brown leather chair across from the desk.
    Between them on the administrator's
hand-rubbed writing table was ... nothing ... except a mobile
phone. And a single piece of paper of what looked like typed phone
listings. Unlike the enslaved females "out there" in their
clickety-clack world, this man's job was brain work.
    "I've been checking on you, you know,"
the Vice Chancellor said, shaking a delicate finger at Z as if Z
were a naughty, but always to be forgiven, child.
    " Dr . Calder?" Vice Chancellor Ashlock
paused as if to be certain they were speaking about the same man,
then hurried on. "To be sure. To be sure. Dr. Calder has filled my
ear with glowing reports of your competencies." Z should have used
Calder's title. Was embarrassed that he hadn't. "But others, also,
have praised your talents."
    Others? Who could the vice chancellor
of Bateman College possibly know who also knew Z?
    Z must have looked as perplexed as he
felt, for the administrator smiled his amusement. Then sobered.
"This business is a most delicate one." The small man leaned
forward, dropping his voice conspiratorially, his prominent Adam's
apple bobbing as he swallowed. "Most delicate. When looking for a
man of discretion, questions must be asked. Asked of the highest
    The man had a pipeline to
    Z reminded himself it was not a good
idea to get cheeky with a Vice Chancellor. It was just that
something about the man made Z uneasy. A sensation like spiders
crawling down the neck.
    "So, please don't be offended that I
took the opportunity to call local law enforcement to ask about
you." Again, the smile; less "congenitally friendly" than "coldly
    Back to the conversation. Had the man
behind the too-big desk talked to Z's cop friend, Teddy
    "And, of course, you came through
fabulously." The vice chancellor waved both hands as if to dismiss
any other possibility. "I already knew you were a man to trust. Dr.
Calder would not have recommended anyone of less than sterling
character. In addition, you have the reputation of being a 'take
charge' kind of guy. A 'go-getter.'"
    "You called Ted Newbold?"
    A frown descended the man's small
face. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure ....?"
    "A detective. Friend of
    "Ah. I see what you mean." The showy
grin was back, white teeth pinning it from ear to ear. "No, no.
When one wants action, one goes right to the top. Talking to
intermediaries wastes precious time. No, no. I placed a call to the
Gladstone Chief of Police himself. Had met him at a business
luncheon just the other day. At a brunch to benefit the little boy
who needs the heart transplant." The vice chancellor's eyes misted
up on cue. "Pitiful case. Glad to help in that way." Again, the
sharp-toothed leer. "Presuming on our recent acquaintanceship, I
dialed the Captain."
    "Scherer?" Z tried to keep shock from
his voice.
    "That's the name! Captain Scherer.
Charming man. Charming!"
    Something was wrong here!
    "Gave you the most glowing
recommendation," the Vice Chancellor was continuing. "Said you were
a man I could trust. A man in whom I could have complete
    No way that ferret-faced
bastard-of-a-Police-Captain could have recommended Z.
Scherer hated Z.
Ever since Z had spilled the beans on a trumped-up charge Scherer
had taken noisy credit for; the bust that
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