James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2) Read Online Free Page A

James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2)
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it was getting late in the evening, they decided to go to bed since they had to be up early in the morning.
    James waited for his roommates to fall asleep. Once they did, he pulled his bag from under his bed and opened it up. Tim stirred in his bed and James froze. Tim rolled over toward the wall, then fell back asleep. James quietly reached into the bag and pulled out his small teddy bear. He had never gotten rid of it, he couldn’t let go of it. The bear was a security for James. It grounded him and it was the only thing that reminded him of his father. It was also a reminder of what he had lived through. James stared down at the little bear, worn out from the long nights he clung to it. James held it in his hands as he felt a tear come to his eye. The sight of it always brought it all back. That night when he lost his father and probably his mother. It also reminded him of the good times, running the halls of his father’s home and giggling with laughter when he caught him. He quickly wiped the tear away and placed the bear back into his bag and zipped it up. He placed it back under the bed and laid back, slowly drifting off to sleep.



    “He says he knows nothing,” Rachel reported to John and Ray.
    They had gathered in Ray’s office to review the candidates while the candidates were getting settled in their rooms.
    “Nothing? He remembers nothing of his life with his father?” John questioned.
    “He claims to remember nothing.”
    “I requested more information on him, but I was denied by the President himself,” Ray added.
    “So the boy remains a mystery?” John said.
    “For the time being. I will keep digging. Rachel, search his things in the morning. See if there is anything that can give us any insight,” Ray said as he waved his hand for John and Rachel to leave.
    Rachel quickly made her way out of his office and out the building to her red car. She had somewhere to be and someone to report to.
    Rachel drove ten minutes from the campus to a small abandoned warehouse, or at least it looked abandoned. Rachel parked and made her way into the building and through the old machinery. It was an old textile factory. She made her way to the office in the rear of the building, opened the frosted glass framed door and stepped in.
    At the desk sat her real employer. “What does he know?” The voice demanded.
    “He says nothing. He claims to not know anything about his father or the incident,” Rachel replied.
    “Did you ask him about the incident?” the voice inquired.
    “No, I only asked about memories prior to living with his uncle,” Rachel replied. “I didn’t want to spook him,” Rachel narrowed her eyes. She had never seen her employer’s face since he always sat in the shadows. She never even learned his name.
    “Do you believe him?” the voice questioned.
    “I am not sure. I will have to have some more sessions with him. What is your interest anyway? Why does it matter if he remembers his father being murdered or being kidnapped or any of it?” Rachel asked.
    “You do not ask questions, is that clear? You are employed to find out what the boy knows, and that is all!”
    “Yes, sir, I understand,” Rachel replied calmly. She had dealt with demanding men before, and they did not frighten her. She was getting what she wanted, and that was all that mattered to her.
    “Return to work and find out if he is keeping any secrets,” the voice demanded.
    Rachel nodded and turned to leave the room, but before she did, she turned back, “I will do my job but you better hold up your end of this deal.”
    “I am a man of my word,” the voice answered.
    “Good,” Rachel replied as she walked out of the office.



    James awoke the following morning to the sound of an alarm blaring. He instantly got up, as did the rest of his roommates.
    Tim yelled, “What the hell is that?”
    Greg ran to the door, threw it open and looked out and
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